Everyone loves vegeta.... Chapter 13

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~▪︎~▪︎~▪︎Two years later▪︎~▪︎~▪︎~

Two years have passed and goku and vegeta got a new, much bigger house. Considering where they were originally staying at was broken and reaked of sex and blood. Goku and vegeta also.... had NO idea how to raise child. So they often asked bulma for help. At least saiyan children are potty trained when they're born.

"Adira! Ichigo! Wait up! Please! You're gonna wake geta!" Goku whisper yelled. He was trying to get the kids ready for training before vegeta woke up. But the kids being their kids didn't wanna listen until....

"ADIRA! ICHIGO! CLOTHES NOW!" Everyone was silent for a second, still scared of the sudden outburst from vegeta. "NOW!" Adira and Ichigo rushed to put their clothes on while goku put on a smug look. "Told ya"

"KAKAROT!" Goku almost jumped out of his boots. What did he do wrong? Was vegeta gonna hit him again? Was vegeta gonna leave? So many possibilities...."C-coming geets!" He quickly got to his and his mate's room. He knocked on the I open door and walked to the bed when he heard a 'grunt of approval' from vegeta. Goku had his usual 'poker face' on. All smiles right?

"Kakarot." Goku looked in his mate's eyes. The same ones that comfort him. He smiled a real smile and then snapped back into reality. "Yes geets?" Vegeta pulled his arms from under the blankets and gestured for goku to lay on him. Goku happily did so having his face nose-to-nose with his mate. "You're not in trouble and I'm not leaving." Vegeta said it as if reading goku's mind. Goku let out a huge sigh of relief and buried his face in the crook of vegeta's neck. He started planting soft kisses and licks onto his mate's neck causing soft moans and gasps to erupt from vegeta's throat. Goku lifted his head up, being able to see his mate's face and smiled. He truly loved this man. Vegeta had everything he didn't and he loved that.

"I love you geets" "I love you kakarot" "WE WUV TOU MOMMY!!" Adira and Ichigo yelled jumping onto the bed. They loved their dad but adored their mother as if he created life itself. Well in this case he kinda did seeing as he brought them into the world.

"Hey what about me?" Adira cuddled her father. "I wuv you datty" "aww I love to princess" "Alright everybody of mommy" Adira and Ichigo pulled puppy eyes."Tut mommy.." "No buts mommy has to get up too" Everyone cleared the way for vegeta. When he got out of bed he turned to his mate while stripping. "Trunks, goten, and bra are coming over later."

"Play date or sleepover?" Vegeta looked at his kids while pulling his pants on. "Do you guys want your siblings to come over for sleepover or just for a few hours?" Adira and Ichigo looked at eachother. "SWEEPOVER!!" 'Well then that's settled.'  Vegeta thought while sliding his shirt. "Hey does anyone know where my boots are?" He looked at his son then his daughter. Both had a guilty look on their face. "Anyone?" He pushed on. Even though he was a saiyan prince he was also a mother and had a very good sense when someone was lying. "We ook dem to our woom ause we issed you." Vegeta was almost in tears. Almost. "Well next time just let me know." He walked out of the room and not a second later everyone followed. 'And I thought bulma was clingy.' Vegeta thought as he went to make breakfast.....with everyone still following him.

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