Chapter 4

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"I can't believe you guys have to leave already" I sigh setting Harry's bag next to the couch. "I know, you're such a joy. you have our numbers so when we are back in the U.S. You and Ty will have to come to the concerts" harry smiles leading louis to the door by the small of his back. "Will do. You guys be safe, I know the paps can get crazy" i hug them goodbye.

"You be careful too, I know they got a few pictures of us together and dating rumors have already started" harry chuckles before leaving. "To bad you're off the market" Tyler whispers into my ear wrapping his arms around me. he gently kisses up my neck. Right before he connects our lips my phone starts to ring. I giggle and let go of him.

Wanna hang out?

To cameron
Sure, Where?

Your place?

To Cameron
I'm at Tyler's right now but I'll be home in an hour, come over then?

Ohh, sounds good.

I lock my phone and Sit next to Tyler rest my head on his shoulder. "Who was it?" He asks rubbing my leg. "Nash, he's having a bad day." I sigh. I know it's wrong to lie to Tyler but I know he'll go off again if he knows it was cameron. "You should go be with him, he's is your brother" he kisses my forehead and stands up. I stand on the couch and wrap my arms around his neck. "You're amazing" I kiss him and jump down.

I pull on my vans and grab my keys. "Goodbye, love" he yells from the living room. i step onto the elevator and let annoying music cover my thoughts. When the doors slide open Camera flashes startle me as I step out. I put on my sunglasses and put my head down. I finally make my way through the crowd and into my car. Backing up was easy but getting them to move from in front of my car is the hard part.

I lay on the horn and let the car slowly roll until they finally move and I can leave. Luckily the traffic was bad and I got home quickly.

When I get back to the apartment Nash isn't there so I take a quick shower, and pull my hair into a pony. I put on shorts and a tank top.

I sit on the couch watching the news when I hear the door slide open. "Heyy" Cameron says girly jumping over the back of the couch. I wave sassily and turn my attention back to the news.

"Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson are the last two band members to land in Australia for the tour. But before they left Harry was spotted with a young Sweetheart at Starbucks" The anchor man says and Pictures of Harry and I flash onto the screen. "Well, Tim do you think this is Harry's new love? Or just a one night stand, since they were seen entering the same apartment building and Harry and Louis left the next day" A snobby anchor woman laughs. "Well, Sarah we'll see what the one direction management team or even Harry says about this" Tim neatly fixes his papers. "Louis and Eleanor, Zayn and Perrie, and Liam and Sophia are still doing great"-

I shut off the tv and sit in shock. "Your dating Harry styles?" Camerons voice sounds as shocked as I am. "Not really" I let out a nervous laugh. I pull out my phone and look through what's trending on Twitter.


Harry and Allison


Wow, it's been a day and we are already trending. I click on harry and Allison trend and read through tweets.

Once more? : Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now