George woke up cold. He slowly opened his eyes looking for dream. Dream was no were to be found. George started to panic. He rolled over to the alarm clock and saw a sticky note. George grabbed the sticky note and calmed down. He read:
Chill out I'mokay. I will be home soon. Just lay down and go on your phone. -luv dweam ----------------- George's point of view: That helped, it made me calm down but come on he didn't give any context where he was. What should I do. Why do i miss him so much? Why didn't I say I love you back? I love dream why didn't I tell him I loved him? George what is wrong with you he probably doesn't think you like him. You know today no matter what were doing, your telling hi- HI GOGY!!! ------------------------------- Nobodys point of view WHERE WERE YOU, YOU SCARED ME, George said. Dream pulled his hand out that was hiding behind the door. I got you McDonalds. YAYYY, George said screaming. Dream ran over and hopped on the bed sitting next to George. Dream pulled out the food, seeing George's face light up. Dream started wheezing. Why are you so exiled? Dream said still wheezing. Because it was a sweet thought, George said smiling more. Dream gave him his food and they just sat there still at each other not in a weird way. I don't have anything planned today, dream said. I do, George blurted. What is is. I can't tell you. Fine. Go get ready. What do I wear dream asked. Whatever you want. George started to walk out. Wait. You dont want a show dream said wheezing like a tea kettle. You are an idiot, George said walking out. George ran into the spare bedroom grabbing a grocery bag. George walked out seeing dream in the kitchen. George walked out wearing his hoodie and a black skirt.
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---------------- Dreams point of view. OH MY GOD. HE IS HOT! *insert gay panic* um yo- you look ho- nice. ------------ Lets g- go. Okay Mr. Stutterer. George walked to the car with dream obviously staring. George got in the front seat. Dang you really can't your eyes off me for one second. Sorry. Hahaha I was joking. Where are we going gogy? I can't tell you, and If you ask again I swear I'm going to- What what are you going to do, huh George. Dream I'm not doing this right now. And were here. Dream I need you too put on this blind fold. But- when we get inside chill. ( Dream and George walk in this building and walk into the elevator) Alright put the blindfold. Fine. Alright you can take it off. (Dream took off his blindfold and saw that they were on top of a building with a small picnic in the corner) George I- I love it. Come on. (George grabbed dream and went and sat down at the picnic area) George your so sweet. I got us chickfla for dinner. Oh my favorite. That's the point dweam. (They sat and ate after they both finished eating George walked dream over to the edge, and pushed him off, THAT WAS A JOKE I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE FUNNY BUT BACK TO THE STORY: and sat on the edge with dream) Clay~ Yes? I love you well I loved you I want you to be mine but you were out of my league, but you were then just a dream, I want you so bad but if you don't feel- * Dream kissed George before he could finish* *BLUSHING INTENCFYS* ------------------- [ Authors note: Yes I did just weave in lyrics of "out of league" in there and I did it perfectly 😙✌] ---------------- George you know I have loved you. I know but I just thought. George will you be my boyfriend? WHAT YES YES I WILL YES. REALLY??? YES. (After both of them watching the sun set they decided to go home) * in the car* George is my boyfriend George is my boyfriend George is my boyfriend. OK WE GET IT I LOVE YOU TO DEATH BUT SHUT UP. Or what~ *George pulls dream in and kisses him on the lips then dream shuts up* That's what I thought. Come on dream let's go inside. NOOOO ITS NICE OUT. Oh, so you don't want cuddles?? NEVER MIND IT IS NO LONGER NICE OUT. Dream sit on the couch I will be out in a second. George walked into dreams room but for the last 3 days, there shared room. George changed into sweatpants and dreams hoodie. George walks into the kitchen and gets some popcorn. George grabs some drinks and blankets and walks back into the living room. Oh let me help- NO I'M FINE SIT DOWN. Ok sorry. Sorry I got excited, George said frowning. Fuck I'm so glad you mine. *George put the popcorn and drinks on the table and gives dream the blankets and sits down next to dream* DREAM PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR BOYFRIEND NOT YOUR PHONE, George said pouting. George grabbed dreams phone out of his hand. Hey, I was changing something. George looked at dreams phone. Dream had been changing George's contact name from "gogy 👓" to " My Love ❤💘" aw sorry for taking your phone. No it's okay, my love~ Can we watch a movie dre- ok you know I have a real name, right? Sorry. Can we watch a movie, clay~? Yes gogy we can. *They put on a movie and cuddled up with their popcorn and drinks* George. Yes? I love you so much. I love you more. --------------------- AYO THANK SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT. I LOVE YOU ALL. Um ya. If you haven't ate anything PLEASE go eat something and get some water. YA IDK WHAT TO PUT. BYE GUYS ILY...