Glitter party

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Dream and George got into the car and started the drive. Sapnap decided to come just for the fun of it. Little did George and sapnap know, Dream had two bags that he tossed in the trunk. They got to her apartment, maybe she shouldn't have been abusive then give the key to george. Dream grabbed the bags out of the back. Dream, sapnap and george started to walk up the stairs into the apartment. George started to pack his stuff up. Then sapnap found the bags. Hey what's this glitter for? What do you think idiot, dream said back. Sapnap's face lit up with joy that they get to ruin this girls life. Sapnap started to pour the glitter all over the carpet with Dream. Hey I'm done packing my- WHAT DID YOU DO??? George screamed at the two grown men pouring pink glitter all over her sweatshirt and the ground. You said she hurt you, dream said smirking. Yeah, George said. So she's gonna learn, first not to be abusive, second mess with someone that has over- protective friends, Sapnap said. Oh shit, GUYS SHES BACK FROM WORK, George said wispering. SHIT WHAT DO WE DO? Sapnap said trying not to freak out. We hide, dream said that being the first thing that comes to mind. They all ran into the closet. Yay now we get to see the reaction, sapnap said. SHUT UP. Dream grabed George's phone and went to his contact's. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" SHUT UP.
Jaden Williams-ex
Dream rang Jade and she walked into the bathroom which gave them a perfect time to run outside They all ran out. Dream still had George's phone, and took it to his advantage. Dream changed his name on his phone.
Baby ❤😗✌
Yeah, that works dream said. Can I have my phone bac- AHHHHHHHHH, Oh shit sapnap said someone found the glitter sapnap added. Dream, Sapnap and George ran, got into the car and sped away. They all got back to dreams house when they got some unexpected news. Um guys, sapnal said from the living room. Yes, dream and George said walking in from the kitchen. I love you guys, but I got to go back home, sapnap said with a disappointed face. NO, WHY? Dream and George's face both started to frown. My grandma is very sick and my mom needs me there. No, dream said. Were sorry keep us updated, George said. Sapnap went and grabbed his bag and went and got on a bus. I guess its just us now, George said. That's how I like it, dream added with a smirk. STWOP *BLUSHING INTENCFYS* George said trying to not blush. Is it raining? Dream said with a sudden pouring happened outside. I think so, George said peeking thru the window. Dream all the sudden scoped up George off the ground, and ran outside with George on his back. DWEAM PUT ME DOWN, George said screaming. Chill out the neighbors are going to think I'm kidnapping you, dream said half joking. Dream set George down in the middle of the road and dream started dancing and twirling him around. George, dream said lighty. Yes clay~ *DANG THAT WAS SMEXY DREAM CHILL IT* I love you, dream said. George smiled didn't day it back but smiled. Dream wished he would day it back but he isn't going to force him to. Dream watched George spin around and giggled, and then made dream weeze. George was getting tired so dream and him walked in he went in change because they were wet from the rain. Dream went and changed and came back to George sleeping on his bed so peacefully. Dream went next to him and took his chance he got in bed with George. Dream didn't know but George was half awake. Dream kissed George on the forehead and wished him good night. Good night George I love you so very much, dream said which made George smile. HEY YOUR AWAKE, Dream said. George laughed and then cuddled up with dream. Dream was shocked but he wasn't complaining his favorite person in the whole world was cuddling with him.
705 words
I'm sorry I haven't been updating. I have been working on my
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