The meet up

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The week flew by. It was already one day before dream would go pick up George and Sapnap from the airport. Dream tried to go to sleep but all he could think about was the fact the George would be getting on his plane in 8 hours. Dream finally fell asleep. He woke up at 7 am. But it didn't bother him because he knew that George would be getting off the plane in 3 hours. Dream got up and feed patches. Then got in the shower so he could smell ok. Dream got into the shower making sure it was the right temperature, then he thought about the dono and that George has never got to seen his face. Will he think he's ugly. He got out trying to not think about it and thru on some Jean's and a blue sweatshirt, because that's the only color George could see, due to his color blindness. Dream decided to let George have a least an Idea of what he look like.
I am wearing Jean's and a blue sweatshirt.

Okay, we are one hour away!

I know.🙄

Heyyyyy :(
Dream wanted to try to hold in all of his excitement. Dream put a comb thru his hair. Then his phone went off it was Sapnap. Hey Sapnap what's up? Did you forget about me? Sapnap said. Dream was confused then he looked at his phone it was 9:15. Oh shit. No I didn't forget you, Dream said grabbing his keys and running out to his car. I'm stuck in traffic, sorry, dream said as he turned on his car. Sapnap replied with okay, as he heard the car starting, Sapnap knew Dream forgot about him but he wasn't that bothered. Dream hung up. He finally got there it was 9:45. He ran inside to find Sapnap sitting there talking to a girl. Dream waited. Sapnap got up and ran over to Dream giving him a hug. "WHY THE HELL DO YOU KEEP GETTING TALLER" Sapnap said having to tilt his head up to look at Dream. Come on and sit down while we wait for George, Dream said. Can't we just leave him here, Sapnap said half joking. So- Sapnap started to say until he saw Dream's face getting red. Are you okay Dream? Um yeah I'm okay. Dream its obvious your not. I'm scared George is going to think I'm ugly. What? Dream you think of the dumbest shit. What do you mean Sapnap. Dream you really think George is going to see you and think your ugly, and then not want to hang out with you. Yes. Well we will have to find out because there is George. WHAT. Dream got up and found George looking around he waited till George turned around and he ran up behind him hugging him, half scaring George. Hi George. George turned around looking up and down at the boy. He had yellow eyes, well green but it was yellow to George due to him being color blind. H- hi dr- dream. George tried his best not to stare at him, he was just so pretty.( I cringed writing that) he looked to see Sapnap slowly walking up, towards him and George went and hugged him. Dream went to grab Sapnap's luggage, but sapnap pushed him forward and mouthed "grab George's." So that's what Dream did he grabbed George's luggage. Then when they got out to the car Sapnap quickly got in the back so Dream could sit next to George. They all got in and Sapnap put in some headphones. Dream started the  30 minute drive back to his apartment. George was staring and Dream and Dream knew he was staring, but It didn't bother him. Dream decided to joke with him so he said " watcha looking at there?" It thru George off but he said "those pretty eyes." Shit George thought in his head. Dream said "okay cary on." How much longer dream? George asked. 15 minutes,  George. Sapnap took out his headphones for a second and then asked, he dream, yeah, where are we going to sleep? Fuck Dream said. I only have one spare room. How about I sleep in the spare room and you two share a bed, like not in a weird way, sapnap suggested. If your okay with in George I am Dream said looking back at Sapnap giving him a look of "i hate you and thank you" Im okay with it, George said. There, Sapnap said putting his headphones  back in. The car ride for the rest of the time was silent other then the music. They got to the apartment, and dream instead to take George's bags again while sapnap turned off his music and put his headphones away. Dream gave them a tour and they relaxed and watched a movie.
820 words
Hope you all are enjoying the book sorry that I'm so slow. If you haven't today please got eat or drink some water. I love you, and please vote if you want.

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