* cough* simp *cough*

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I put my phone down and continued to laugh, tears welling my eyes from laughing too much. " Poor Daichi" I managed to say between laughs. Ennoshita laughed with me and shook his head "This bus ride should be interesting" he says and takes a sip of his drink. "Freaking Kageyama!" J said laughing 'No one asked, plus your ugly' "Poor Hinata." She said and wiped a tear.

" And he's sitting next to him in class" Ennoshita said and looked at us, " your 'boyfriends' are here" he says and me and J look over at the door, I smiled when Tanaka looked at me, he rushed over and bent down to hug me, it was obvious he'd been laughing. " I can't believe he said that to Hinata." Noya said as he walked up and leaned over J's chair, kissing her cheek.

" Sorry about the bus thing, I can't say no after that," Tanaka said and I got up so he could sit in my chair. Once he sat down he pulled me back down gently by my hips. I shook my head at Noya smiling " What's your excuse?" I said to him and he chuckled " Tsukki jumped at the chance" He said and pulled J up from her chair, sitting back down with her on his lap " So i'm not worried, you'll be fine" he said and took a few bites of J's lunch.

"Woah there honey bunches of oats, this is my food." J said and took the bun from his hand. Noya just pouted. Tanaka chuckled and gently kissed my shoulder " You guys should have at least heard Daichi out" he said and I groaned " That would be no fun" I said and gave a mouthful of rice to Tanaka.

" They are incapable of texting and being serious" Ennoshita said as he took another sip of his drink " Trust me, I have years of experience" he said and me and J glared at him " If it's super super serious we can" I said and shrugged. "Yeah like when that one time McDonalds closed three hours early. Nono had to drive us to the next town to get our Happy Meals." J said, looking completely serious.

"They had the new Hello Kitty toys!!" I said pouting a bit, Tanaka laughed and wrapped his arms around my stomach and looked at Ennoshita " you actually drove them, didn't you bro?" he asked and Ennoshita nodded " more than once man, i'm so glad they have you guys now" he said, sighing dramatically.

" If i remember correctly, you complained because you didn't get the right hello kitty toy" I said, raising my eyebrows at him. "I wasn't just us bro, you wanted those toys too!" J said and took a bite of her food. "Toys?" Noya asked "Oh yeah we got like three meals each." She said with her mouth half full.

" You are so cute," Tanaka said to me and took another bite of my food which I happily let him.

The rest of lunch was normal, we laughed and Ennoshita exposed us for stuff we did with him which made Tanaka and Noya laugh. Once they left and we finished our last period of the day the three of us made our way to the gym. Coach told us there was no practice today and to go home and get some rest. Tanaka and Noya offered to come stay with us because they knew how hard it was going to be for us to get up at 3:30am.

" I'll see you in the morning everyone!!" I said and waved to everyone, " bright and early" Tsukki said and I rolled my eyes at him " yeah yeah, text you in the morning" I said and walked off with J.

Once we got back home we ordered a pizza and watched two movies before Noya had to carry J to bed because she refused to walk because of how tired she was. " Come on baby let's go" Tanaka said, his voice deep and tired. I blushed at how good his voice sounded and reached my arms up. " Drama queens" he said and picked me up, I wrapped myself around him and smiled.

Once we got to my room he laid me down and got in beside me " you excited to be away for a week?" he asked and I snuggled into him, resting my head on his chest. He moved his hand under my shirt and gently rubbed my bare back. " I kinda am yeah - "

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