10. Teamwork Makes The Dream Work

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SHE STARED UP AT the ceiling of the hotel room trying to remember something — anything — from her past. Hydra thinks they got rid of Eleanor Harper, but she was still in there, locked in a cell and fighting to break out. However, the tight grip of Gannet wouldn't let go. The week until the gala went by quickly, their smooth-talking earning them an invitation to Norman Chaplan's gala.

James — The Winter Solider — prepared their weapons and tactical gear. They didn't speak to each other, their new programming forbids it from happening behind closed doors. They were scared at how strong-willed Eleanor was, scared she might take their precious Winter Solider away.

She overheard a few members discussing her, how she was too much to deal with any they might just put her back on ice permanently. Deep down, part of her wished they would. All the killing, the infiltration — she was there for it all, subdued while Gannet took the reins.

They had a party to attend. Eleanor looked like she had walked out of a fairytale, wearing a flowing red dress that covered her robotic half, but underneath was knives and guns strapped to her legs. James wore a tux, sleek and black, his long hair tied back. Silent, they walked through the lobby together, people couldn't help but stare at the beautiful couple.

A car was waiting to pick them up. "Hail Hydra," The driver nodded as they slid into the back seat. Neither spoke. Sweat beaded down the driver's forehead. One wrong move and he could be dead — he was transporting Hydra's prized assassins, after all.

It was obvious where the party was being held. They didn't have to drive far to see the flashing lights and hear the pumping beat of music. Just like in the lobby, crowds of people watched in awe at the sight of Eleanor and James walking hand in hand. They looked like royalty, heads held high as they walked right into the venue. The host, Norman, greeted guests as they walked in. When he caught sight of Eleanor, he smiled widely. "My dear!" He hugged her, touched her waist in a way that most women would find disgusting, but Gannet was unfeeling.

James clenched his jaw, seemingly in character to the people around him, but he wasn't supposed to react at all. He coughed, grabbing Norman's attention. "Sir," He nodded and grabbed hold of Eleanor's hand, pulled her back to his side.

Norman didn't look embarrassed or flustered that he had gotten caught. "Mr. Jones! So good to see you and you're lovely wife," His eyes wandered over Eleanor's body once again and he sighed deeply. "I do hope you enjoy the party." He moved aside, allowing them to walk in.

"So do I," James glared and lowered his voice. He could see that Norman suddenly became nervous, but he pulled Eleanor along before the man could say anything.

"He is a vile man," Eleanor spat as they weaved through the party — they would have no time for mingling or dancing tonight. They moved through the ballroom until they reached a secluded corner.

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