Chapter 12: Revelation

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Chiron POV

Percy groaned as he did one more painful pull-up. The exercise was important, and blindness should not stop individuals from being physically active. 

I know that they couldn't see themselves, but that didn't mean that they couldn't look good. 

Percy jumped back onto the ground in a sweat. 

"Chiron, can we finally be done? I'm exhausted," Percy said. 

"Considering your looks, Percy. I would think that you're used to working out," I said sternly. 

"All of my exercise before came from swimming and some workouts," he replied. 

"Well, it's important that you stay physically active, which is why I brought you to your school gym," I said. 

"All right, Chiron," Percy said. 

Percy grabbed his walking stick and started going towards the exit. He was sweating a lot, and his muscles seemed stressed. I probably should've started him off slowly. He paused at the door. 

"Chiron, are you coming?" he asked. 

"Yes. Also, I'm going to get updates from your mom to make sure that you're doing exercise every week," I said seriously. 

Percy simply groaned as we walked to the car. 

Percy was getting better at memorizing his surroundings. For example, Percy had remembered where we had parked the car, so he followed the same path back towards the car. 

We got home very quickly. Percy still had his oral homework to do, so he quickly took a shower and went into his bedroom. 

I suppose the first day of exercise should've been during the weekend. 

Yeah, I hadn't planned today's visit. I simply wanted to see and check on Percy, who was one of my best and most complicated pupils. 

"Hello, Paul. What's the matter?" I asked. 

Paul was sitting seriously on the couch in the living room. He had just gotten off the phone. 

"Nothing, Chiron. I don't want to trouble you anymore," he said.

"No, insist. If I can help, then I will," I said firmly. 

Paul simply stared at me before nodding. He had a sad look in his eyes as he formulated his thoughts before speaking. 

"Chiron, you've already done so much, but I don't think that you can help with this. Basically, Percy was offered a pretty substantial scholarship to a university for swimming. Now, that he's blind, they, unfortunately, revoked it," Paul said. 

"I'm so sorry, Paul," I said earnestly. 

"Honestly, I was expecting, Chiron. It was a sports scholarship, so they won't give that to someone who's no longer an athlete," Paul sighed. 

"I just don't know how to tell Percy," he said softly. 

"Paul, Percy is stronger than he seems. He's mature, and he understands what's going on. Honestly, Percy is probably ready for the news," I said firmly. 

Paul nodded with a smile. 

We conversed for a few more minutes before I left. 

I was confident that Percy could accept the news, especially because he was slowly accepting the reality of his situation. 

A few minutes passed by in silence as I drove back to the vision rehabilitation center, where I worked. 

Suddenly, I received an unexpected phone call. 

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