🥳It's your Birthday Khushi 2.0🥳

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An IT Office: Hubspot:

Khushi hesitantly knocks on the door. A grave voice answers,

“Come in..”

Khushi twists the door latch and enters. Boss is sitting in her chair. As she looks at Khushi, she licks her lips in tension. Her immediate boss is very strict. In another word, total khadus😡 (Rude). She often scolds the employees as she never gets satisfied with their works unlike their higher boss Pournima. She is a sweetheart. Khushi never saw her sulking or yelling at her subordinates. But don’t worry. This khadus boss fulfils that place. Khushi knows that even now she has called her to scold her for any mistake.😣😣 She stands in front of the desk, holding her hand below her waist.

Boss: “What is this Khushi? You are working as a software engineer in this HubSpot company for almost 2 years. This kind of foolishness is not expected from you. The client requirement and what you have designed doesn’t match at all. This is the matter of the reputation of our company, I had assigned you in the charge of this project because I had complete faith in you that you won’t let me down. But sorry to say, I am disappointed with your work. Now go and re-design this programme. It’s urgent…remember it.”😡😡

Boss again gets busy in her laptop while Khushi exits the room with a sulking face. Today is her birthday. She was supposed to stay at home and celebrate but here she is in this boring office and getting scolded. She passes the corridor when a sweet voice calls her from behind,

“Hey, Khushi…where are you going, dear? Come let’s go to the canteen. I need to talk to you.”

Khushi turns and locates Pahul. In this office, some people are there who always bring a smile to her face. Pahul is one of them. She smiles😁😁 and nods. Both come to the canteen. Here she meets some other people who also work in HubSpot. There are Kuurmica, Shreya, Chinmayi and Meghna. It seems that they were waiting for her only.

Kuurmica: “Khushi, even thought you haven’t told us or invited us, we know that it is your birthday today. So, we though let’s celebrate it in the office only. What you say?”

Khushi:  (Pouts sadly) “Forget about celebration. I think I have to work today for the whole night. Ms Boss has rejected my programme design. She even has scolded for poor performance. I am really upset Di. I am not in a mood of celebrating anything.”😔😔

She sighs.

Meghna: “Chill Sis. Boss always remains after our life. But you know, she is not a bad person by heart. She is only strict. And by the way, we are all here to help you with this. Don’t spoil your special day because of work pressure. Live the moment dear.”

Chinmayi: “Absolutely! Khushi, being a software engineer was your dream. So, when you have achieved it take the challenges too. I heard Boss praising your work. It just she never expresses her affection and satisfaction in front of us. Otherwise, I know she cares for us.”

Khushi: (Shrugs) “Whatever!”🤷‍♀️

Pahul: “Okay, so, let’s start our small Pizza party. We know that you like pizza and right now we can arrange this much only.”

Khushi: “PIZZA🍕🍕….Wow….thank you so much, guys. You all made my day.”

However, her delight doesn’t last for long. A stern voice makes all shift their eyes to the canteen door. Boss and Pournu are standing. But unlike the other days boss is also grinning in a mischievous manner. Khushi blinks a couple of time if she is dreaming. Pournu and boss near the table.

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