I am... (2)

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            I ate my oatmeal as fast as I could, shoving the last bite in my mouth while getting up and putting it in the sink. I mumbled thanks through the mush in my mouth to Vienna before running out the door. I slowed down as soon as my feet hit the dirt of the gravel road. I walked a few blocks down to Neilly's house and knocked on the old wooden door. As I waited for someone to answer I looked at the house. The gray paint that covered the sides was peeling with age and so was the forest green door. Next time I have a day off I should convince Neilly to paint his house with me. The door opened revealing my best friend but before I could say anything he swept me up in a big hug.

            "I was so worried about you! I thought he was gonna kill you last night!" Neilly says pulling back with his hands still on my shoulders. I laugh and shrug off his hands.

            "Your such a worrywart." He sticks his tongue out at me in response but moves out of the way and I follow him into his living room. Neilly's house was bigger than mine with four rooms; a living room/ dinning room/ kitchen filled up one room and two were devoted into bedrooms and a small bathroom in between them. My family didn't have a big enough room for a living room so we just had a kitchen and dinning area that were in the same room. I slept with my family in our only bedroom. Neilly shared one bedroom with his brother Nathan while his baby sister slept in a crib beside his parents' bed in the other bedroom.

            I came to Neilly's house because he also had a TV. It wasn't the best one in the world like the ones at the mayors that take up the whole wall but it worked. Today there was supposed to be an announcement by the Governor so we plopped down on the old shabby gray sofa and turned on the TV. The screen flashed on to a gray and white screen and a loud buzzing sound. I grab the remote out of Neilly's hands and turn the station to 5. Suddenly there's a clear picture of a gray haired man standing behind a podium with Kamen's symbol of a golden dove holding an olive branch in its beak. The man introduced the Governor and stepped off stage and with a fake automatic applause rose up as an old brown haired man in a navy suit took his place. He raised his hands to silence the 'crowd' before speaking.

            "Today I have a very important message for the people of Kamen," the Governor said, "I have decided to find the best talents in all our nation and bring them back to The City with me. My best advisors are being sent to all the Cities in to find the most talented people and if they come with us their families will be paid everyday a very large sum of jens everyday for the rest of their lives. These talented people will live in The City with us and live in the Palace of Gwain and be treated like royalty. It is very important we find and show the rest of the world these wonderful talents; so if you think you have an amazing talent maybe we'll find you. Next month there will also be some new laws; school has been moved up to Nines and no other age groups but Nine through Fourteen may attend. Second; the working age has also been moved up to Fifteens. Thank you. May peace follow you always." My heart thumped loudly in my chest as the image blurred again and the buzzing came back signaling the end of the program. Fifteen is now the working age, FIFTEEN! What would I do for the months until Turning Time when my age will be Turned to a Fifteen? My family would have no income; my mom being too broken hearted to do anything. How would I pay for food when I can barely put enough on the table now? I start to hyperventilate and I feel Neilly's strong arms wrap around me and his hands running through my hair trying to calm me.

            "Shhh," He whispers in my ear while pulling me into him as I start to cry. "It's gonna be okay Rielly, don't worry everything will be fine. It starts next month remember?" I nod slowly and wipe my tears away. I sit up as I hear a crash outside.

            "Neilly what was that?"

            "I have no idea; maybe it was just Nathan hitting balls again with his bat."

            "I don't think so," I say, standing up. I go to walk to the door but Neilly's hand on my wrist stops me.

            "You don't know what's out there," he says and stands with me, "I'm not saying there is anything I just don't think you should check, what if Nathan hits you in the head?" He tries to smile but I can tell he's starting to get worried too as there are more crashes and booms. Neilly walks out and I stand there waiting for him. It only takes seconds before he runs back in.

            "Rielly we have to go, now!" he screams. "There's something... someone out there and we need to leave!"

            "What is it?" I ask.

            "I don't-" Neilly starts but a black gloved hand on an abnormally long arm covers his mouth and I scream his name and run after his disappearing body as fog clouds my vision. I hear gunshots ring in my ears as I pass out on the carpet.


Tell me if you like it:) vote/comment/fan!! ill make the next one longer but while your waiting check out my other story Raindrops!

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