I am... (3)

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Dedicated to my mom.. who took my ipod away and so when i got done with my hw i had nothing else to do! also the others in the bottom! \/


            “Good morning sunshine,” a man’s voice booms to my left. Or well what I think is my left. I force my eyes open to survey the scene to see what happened to Neilly and I but I find I’m not even in Neilly’s house anymore.

            “Where am I,” I ask to the man, who is actually sitting on my right, while trying not to let my panic seep in. Trying and failing.

            “Shhh, it’s okay. I’m General Strauss, I work for the Government and my men and I saved you but you passed out in the knock-out gas so be careful and don’t sit up yet.” I look him over a couple times and decide he’s telling the truth. The man looked about in his forties, but still had all his dark brown hair and was wearing a pin striped suit; which were very rare. I take a deep breathe a sort through my emotions and thoughts running through my head.

            “Sir, would you mind answering a couple questions for me?” I ask finally picking out my questions. General Strauss nods so I take that as encouragement. “Who may I ask were you rescuing me from? And why did you have to bring me here, and to bring that a little farther, where actually is here?” I can see Strauss carefully think over my questions and I almost feel like he’s about to shoot them down and not tell me.

            “I cannot tell you specifics about the people who want to harm you because I was not authorized but you will find out in due time. As for why we brought you here is that you were chosen as one of the performers to perform in the Palace of Gwain, which happens to be where we are now, in the hospital ward.”

            “B-but that was just Announced earlier today how could I could I already have been chosen?” I stutter.

            “Today? Dear, that was two weeks ago.”

            “I’ve been out for two weeks?” My breath caught in my throat making it hard to talk. How was my family doing? Oh no, what about Neilly! “Sir what about my friend Neilly?” A sad look came across General’s face and my heart stopped.

            “I’m sorry but They took him with them.” I start to hyperventilate and General Strauss quickly leans over to put a comforting hand on my arm, only it’s cold. “Don’t worry Rielly; we will get your friend back.”


            I stayed in the hospital ward for several days. At least that is what I guessed. I lost track of time in the gray walled room with only my cot inside of it. One ‘morning’ I did wake up to find a T.V. wheeled in on a black iron cart and a remote sitting on my lap. I had no sense if that was truly morning though because the hospital room had no windows, only that automatic sliding door that never opened unless I was asleep. It was glass but it was textured and a grayish color so that I could not see what was going on outside. I was beginning to get the feeling it was more of a dungeon than a hospital.

            After a couple days of this I woke up in a totally different room. It was huge, probably three times the size of the hospital ward/dungeon and painted a rich red the color of maraschino cherries when they’re just picked out of the jar. I lay in a dark teak four poster bed with a satin canopy draped over the posts. The bed sheets I was curled under where made out of silk, a little darker color than that of the walls and pillows in satin and velvet with paisley patterns where scattered all around me. All of the furniture stuck to the same pattern from the huge teak wardrobe to the little parlor chairs set aside with what looked to be the same cushion covers as most of my satin pillows. The things in this room must have cost billions of dollars!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2011 ⏰

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