Lower realm arc (2/5):Hunter and prey

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(What is a man? a miserable little pile of secrets)-'Dracula'
naruto hummed as he realised what he had came upon an ancient world of Hunters and prey a world where humanity's weaknesses were overcomed by hatred he couldn't help but chuckle as he read this texts of this world's history it was seriously hilarious there weaknesses overcomed by their biggest weakness oh the irony couldn't make him help to do anything but chuckle demonicly as he realised what evolution took humanity to this stage his demonic eye's looked at the word's with a very hungry look as the following was said'humanity's imperfection was overcomed by the arrival of a new strange outsider it was the jockey race when they landed new's spread like wild fire even though similar to human in look expect having very small reptilian scales and a Dragon like tail they have far surpassed humanity's physical level of power our weapons at that time were useless even the nukes we used then to terraform large planet's like Jupiter in one single blast it was useless the beasts were just so damn durable' as naruto's hand crossed the page he saw it was missing so he just groaned he really was just starting to enjoy the story but he just shrugged why should he know the history of a soon to be dead species his blood red eye's shined at the libraries window to see point the academy takida was talking about he knew for a fact that the president had to be there after all the future needs to be met by what they are made to be a perfect flawless cold blooded killer at least that's what his mind could imagine to be logically so he just walked with his calm flawless expression as he returned the book to the Librarian who raised an eyebrow at him because he also returned it with a sum of money a huge one a thousand dollar it was nothing now because John gave him an infinite amount of money he was be filthy rich now so he gave it as more of a bribe then good intentions so the Librarian would keep his mouth shut if he 'accidentally' killed someone and he saw him hand out the money to him
??????:hey kid you left this here by accident
the man called naruto who just looked back a blank careless expression as he approached him and whispered in his ears sending shivers down the librarians skin
naruto:keep it and shut up if anything bloody happens consider it a treat if anything bigger happened I will give you more by shutting the f### up
naruto whispered in the man's ear in a ghastly sound as the man's shiver turned into a large grin as naruto saw the never-ending greed in the man's eyes take control as his grin widened while looking at the large sum of money in front of him before looking at naruto smilling greedily as he nodded
??????:you have a deal kid I will be as shut as a statue if any 'accident' happend
the man's greedy voice satisfied naruto it reminded him of how easily a human can lose all sense of humanity and kindness when it included personal gains as naruto ignores his satisfaction as he grinned a small satisfied grin showing how satisfied he was with the man's greed
naruto said returning to his usual shameless cold self as he went out of the library ignoring the sounds of laughter and pleasure the Librarian was having by catching the money and throwing it and then hugging which maked naruto hiss a bit how disgusting if this man who in there standards isn't corrupted then the top tier corrupted will surely give him a run for his money in darkness but he just shrugged at least this maked him know he wasn't the absolute big bad boy of the keyverse but this maked him also shiver he couldn't believe how much greed and lust for power existed will not to say he was good he was greedy yes maybe even more greedy then this entire realm combined but he was just greedy for power which on itself isn't much of a greed but still he couldn't help but to feel a bit worried if all he met past this realm are like this then he could have a problem as he then walked by with people giving him cold weird looks but he just returned it with a single cold look making people seemingly shut up but as the professional lier he was he could see that all of them were now furious because a single look from a boy that looked like a peasant who couldn't have got a master to train him maked them shut up as there hatred spread like a cloud of smoke making him again shiver
naruto:"what the hell is wrong with this people"
naruto thought shivering as he looked away great just great this keyverse was filled with such weird people a paedophile who simps for him with a very attractive tone will at least in naruto's standards while claiming to be a religious person pfft he wouldn't believe it unless he saw it a weirdo who fall in love with this paedophile enough to make himself a female and the f###### uchinas what's next he will meet creatures who view sakura as there goddess but then he shivered at that thought sakura a goddess? yeah right he will believe that if someday his hatred for the village disappears for no reason which is a long definition of the word it will never f###### happen but then his focus was regained when he pumped into someone as that person fall down and he groaned most likely in annoyance as he looked up with his eye's still closed from the force of the fall
??????:hey watch where you go-
the boy said annoyed as he opened his eyes to recognize naruto who as well recognised him by his voice even while he was completely dressed in a weird suit all over the body seeing as it was thick and reflected zero light it meant it was probably used for defensive and stealth purposes to say he was impressed he bet the suit could handle a good old 1% punch of his still very impressive if you consider he had transcended dimensionality making him outerversal but shrugging this complicated thoughts naruto then looked innocently with a very cute innocent smile that it almost made takida nosebleed
naruto:oh spoiled brat hello I haven't seen you coming
naruto said very innocently acting like he didn't realize takida was there and from the smile takida's body forced him to believe what naruto said even though an idiot would know that but he couldn't do anything but scoff at naruto calling him spoiled brat yes he was spoiled and he would admit it but brat annoyed him to the absolute
takida:my name is takida not spoiled brat Mr blond smile
takida scoffed at naruto who just shrugged making takida seeing his efforts to annoy him was useless he did a thing no man would do yell his yell seemed to attract a lot of people but at the price of his pride so naruto's man instinct at his moment took in to stop this disgrace of a man from continuing this unmanly act so he did a thing all men would do he casually approached takida grasped his neck "softly" and firmly and then he throw(yetted) the teenager into a building making everyone hear the bloodculring screams of takida making people look at him with a sweatdrop on there head as they saw this great act of violent and it was done by a child nonetheless
damn kit funniest shit I have ever seen
kurama said laughing as naruto then just smirked he was not just getting thousands to million to more of times powerful if not infnites everyday but he was also getting an upgrade to his comedy bone everyday(why is this here,I don't know you may be high outerversal+ but there is still a thing called emotions,I hate you,hate leads to love,and love with you leads to me calling the police you paedophile,oh come on I didn't kidnap anyone,because you only want me,doesn't seem so paedophile to me especially because of narukushi Narutsuna fanfics,who is the f##### who created this idea she is my mom and she is an old hag for f### sake hm you may not be so bad after all,yeah especially they don't even consider narusasu,still zero time one hundred is still zero,oh please naruto shut up you couldn't even save yourself first save your f###### self before you could even think about critiquing me,.....,exactly I may be the worst I may be a f##### up shit with no life aside from training and simping for you but at least I know who I am I am John the reaper a cold blooded killer who killed children and adults with diseases and weird organisms and all other things and I would rather die and isekai a million time before I even think about start acting otherwise now out of my face fool and do your job,yes sir)
naruto looked at the people with a raised eyebrow before shrugging and then he went walking away before getting into an alley way he looked around narrowing his eyes on the dirt and biomechanical rats eating trash which maked naruto shiver in disgust this people can't even let a single organic lifeform like a rat even live with a body made of flesh 'oh great not him now' he thought rolling his eye's as he looked back narrowing his eye's in a threatening way almost as a threat as the person just shuggled showing a pair of shark like teeth in his mouth as he slowly approached naruto with a wide grin on his face looking down on the smaller child because of his bigger body while grinning making his face met naruto's cold scowl
John:why so angry naruto don't you want information
John said looking at the young teen like a delicious piece of meat while naruto just scoffed
naruto:I don't need your help at least for now if I was in life or death situation which I will never be in I may consider it
naruto said coldly as he turned around to go to the academy before stopping looking up to see John's eyes look at him with a slightly confused yet interested look
John:why not? I know everything about this place it's hierarchy it's history it's dimensionality everything don't you need anything even one thing just to be at least 10% safer and faster are you sure you want to face what most of us fear the unknown
John said confused most likely to naruto acting with a raised eyebrow as naruto's poker like face formed into a blank expression while just looking down and sighing he didn't know if it was either that John was too good at convincing or he was just trying to take the rewards fast whatever it was he just nodded bored making John smirk in victory
naruto:dimensionality please
naruto said mockingly as he didn't know why but he seemed to start trusting the insane idiot because it was either he knew that he won't get betrayed by him or he just started to warm up to this guy and see him as family either way it made John smirk widen
John:coming right away sir so basically to not make it complicated and to explain it simply the main dimensions follow a world evolution rule
John said making naruto just raise an eyebrow making him sigh
John:basically it's a rule I named and discovered and even gave it to the realms to make it simple I have more than infnites of informations but since you don't like losing that much time basically when the top tiers get stronger there presences affect the whole realm's reality and space time countinum adapt to the power instantly as all of the main realms are living entities don't ask how or why just roll with it making not only tiers higher than the absolute limitless(omnipotent) but also the lower tier also get stronger so basically destroying an ant in the hell realm is like you destroyed a being who is far far far more powerful than azathoth from the cathulu mythos like so much higher he could be described as an infedisimal concept don't ask what it is I will explain to you later so basically the rats you are seeing are just a result of the top tiers getting stronger not human experiments for example this rat right
John said explaining before picking a biomechanical rat making the little being try to run away but John gripped him tightly making sure to not crush it
John:this rat right here has the power of 50000 chunin can run at a speed of mach 10000000 can tank the tsar bomb with no injury can regenerate from one cell instantly and can adapt at doomsday level and has laser power so does this give you an idea about the cosmology
John explained as he placed the rat down gently and looking at naruto to meet a shocked face who just shrugged before nodding
naruto:so basically the mortal realm or all of fiction is too weak to make the lower tiers stronger and the top tiers in the hell realm are strong enough to make ants far more powerful than the likes of azathoth and become a weird think called an infedisimal concept and far stronger than any top tier in the mortal realm aka all of fiction realm then looking at this......just what kind of monsters are you and y/n
naruto said with a face that showed he was completely in thought while John just shrugged
John:what you are seeing here is just a mere piece of a subatomic cell
when John said that naruto's eye's widened
naruto:so you are an avatar?!
naruto said shocked the person he knew who can solo the realms was just an avatar and a weak one according to him if this was it then how powerful is the real him just how far behind was he compared to this two
John:not exactly I am more of like a secondary emergency system so I am the one the original body leaves here when he goes through his isekai adventures while yes true I am far far far FAR weaker I still can solo realms
John said with a shrug making naruto nod a bit jealous of the reaper's power
don't worry kit I will support you even if you fight your master
naruto just smirked hearing as he looked at John with grin
naruto:you may be more powerful than me John by a lot but I have a thing you don't a life and a future I won't waste
naruto said rushing to the academy to get in and start his adventure to soloing the lower realm as naruto was rushing John lightly smiled before frowning and looking down at his reflection in the water
John:I wish that could be true but no all of us suffer we will suffer no matter how much power and wealth we have we are all just the same hopeless creatures no future no past no present nothing but eternal darkness suffering foolishness and selfishness we didn't realise until it was too late to stop I hope what you say is true naruto I hope
John said with tears rolling down his eye's as he dissapered as he disappeared in the place there appeared to be a drawing falling wet with water on the floor for two people a bigger teen with black hair and a younger teen with blond hair smilling with each other like brothers and underneath it is a sentence written in black what I wished would happen as then suddenly then the older teen eye's turned black and red with a wide grin and rolling tears on his face and the other had a frown and the same black and red eye's and he had a red corrupted aura around him which was making the backgrounds in the drawing turn black and rotten with now the word written with a red substance with a very strong iron like smell and taste changed into what you subconsciously wished would happen
naruto after just rushing then reached the gate's where a gaurd stopped him without even looking as he stayed looking at his book
naruto:naruto uzumaki
??????:family status
naruto:don't have any
??????:house number
??????:power's and abilities
naruto:superhuman physical prowess darkness control light control fire control earth control time control illusions telekinesis God tier adaptation fast growth God tier regeneration master in hand to hand combat and swordsman ship and bokujutsu
??????:you are good to go to exam site A
the conversation between the two happened in instant that both didn't even stutter with a word infact naruto was happy that this man was fast with his questions and not caring this made his come in much easier as naruto passed he could feel the bad eye's on him he was expecting this so he just unleashed 1% of his bloodlust making people suffocate in the intense pressure expect one girl will not really she was dying but hiding it pretty will as he looked at her with her eye's looking at him with interest she unleashed her bloodlust making naruto shrug and intensify his bloodlust even more just a little making her sweat but he couldn't help but look at her observation before going in

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