22. Six Months?

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"Ms. Cohen?"

"Yeah, that's me." I answered with a little hesitation in my voice.

" I am Derek Sloan speaking, Ms. Gianna Mcquire's assistant. I am at the Seattle Airport right now. Where do you want me to come for signing the documents?" A voice spoke in a professional tone.

"Oh" I released the breath which I was holding for so long and took a deep breath. "Um.. if it's not much bother for you. Can you come at my house?"

"Sure, no problem." He said in a curt voice.

"Okay, then I will text you my address." I said and hanged up to send the address to him.


Nearly one hour later, I heard the sound of car parking outside my house. I don't know why, I was fidgeting so much, when I have already agreed for it. Maybe, because my heart doesn't agree with my brain. Because a voice is speaking from inside my heart that this is wrong.

The door bell rang and I stood up to open the door. A tall man in a blue suit with a briefcase, was standing infront of my door, with no slight expression on his face. Though, I would say he was a handsome man but he would have looked better if he would be showing some emotions on his face.

I opened the door further to let him in, " Please come in." I said with a polite voice. He nodded at me and entered inside. He was looking at everything with great precision, I guess he wanted to know what kind of person I am because a house tells a lot about the person who is living in it.

"Um.. Would you like to have something, Tea? Coffee?"

"No, Actually, I have to take the next flight for New York in two hours, so I don't have much time. It would be good if we can directly get down to business." He said with a straight face. I am getting now where is he coming from, no wonder he is Gianna's assistant, like Boss like Assistant, I think to myself.

He cleared his throat to get my attention and I smiled at him apologetically.

"Sure." I said as we sat in the living room. He opened his briefcase and bring out the documents, which are gonna decide my fate. He slide it towards me and I picked it up in my hands.

On one side, my name was mentioned and on the other side was Miles' name. He had already signed the documents. I can understand why I am choosing this, but why did he choose himself to be in this situation? When I asked him earlier that 'if he knew the consequences of his actions', he seemed like he had already figured out everything, then what is this? I am sure he would have never wanted to be in this kind of situation.

Then what might be the reason? Everyone has their own weaknesses, I guess I would never know just like I don't want anyone to know my reason  behind this choice.

I turned the page and many conditions were mentioned in it, but one thing caught my attention. I looked up to find Derek's attention was already on me. He was observing my every move.

"It's mentioned here that we have to be together for 6 months, isn't it a lot of time? Gianna didn't mention anything about time frame. I thought it would be only for two- three months."

"Mr. Cartwright decided the time frame himself, if it not were for him, Ms. Mcquire would have chosen more than 6 months." I frowned at him after hearing the information provided by him and wanted to ask him to talk to Gianna about this matter. But before I could say anything, my phone started to ring, I looked at the number, it was from hospital. I picked it up immediately.

"Yeah, Rain speaking."

"Ms. Cohen, your Father's test results has been out and the Doctor wants to speak to you regarding some issues in it. Can you come to the hospital in some time because the Doctor has to perform a surgery later on."

"Yeah, okay, I'll be there as soon as possible." I replied instantly.

"Do you have a pen?" I asked Derek with a little panic in my voice.

There was a look of disbelief on his face. "You are not gonna read it? Don't you have any allegations regarding any condition mentioned in it?"

"I am sorry, I have to reach somewhere urgently, it's kinda emergency, besides I don't seem to have a choice, do I? " He didn't answer my question. I took his silence as an agreement with me. I took the pen he extended towards me.

My hands were shaking when I was about to sign my name on the papers. I closed my eyes and my Dad's smiling face came infront of my eyes. I reminded myself that it's nothing infront of what my Dad had done for me this whole time. With this, I signed the papers and sold my soul to the Devil, I don't know if I could come unscathed in these six months.

"If you don't mind me asking, Can I know the reason, why you agreed for this?" 

This story is gonna so much more interesting starting onwards, so buckle up guys.

Are you excited for what about to come in next chapters when Rain and Miles comes face to face?

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