Chapter 22: Fight

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"So, you've read all of these before, right?" Alex asked with a bit of a chuckle as he and Rainbow Dash were going through the first book in the Daring Do series.

"Oh yeah, several times. Sometimes I like to go back and refresh my memory on previous events. It helps when she makes references to them in later stories." Rainbow Dash explained.

"Haha, you are such a nerd." Alex laughed.

"Yeah, and you're weird, so..." Rainbow Dash responded with a giggle.

"True true." He chuckled, going back to his book. Rainbow Dash did the same, and they read in silence for awhile.

"Heheh, I forgot that this all happened." Rainbow said with a chuckle, pointing to the paragraph they were coming up on. Alex smiled a bit.

"Yeah, that kinda came out of nowhere." Alex said with a chuckle, looking down again. He began to get lost in thought however...

He found himself thinking back to the situation back at the train station between Fluttershy, Evan, and Discord. It was a strange situation to him, one that he knew that he didn't have all the facts to. However, what he saw, he didn't like, and that concerned him...


"Hmm? Huh?" Alex flinched a bit, lifting his eyes up and turning his head to look over at her. She was looking back at him, her book set in her lap now still open.

"Are you planning on finishing the page anytime soon?" She asked.

"Yeah yeah, sorry. I got lost in thought." He admitted, about to lower his head to continue reading. However, Rainbow Dash had already set the book aside now and placed a hoof on his arm.

"Are you okay? You looked really lost in thought there. It looked like you were sad, or you had something on your mind." Rainbow Dash continued to ask questions, leaning a little closer.

"Yeah. I do that sometimes. I'm good, I was just thinking about something I saw earlier." Alex said.

"What was it?" She asked.

"Umm..." Alex hesitated now, unsure how seriously she would take his thoughts if he were to voice them out loud. They already felt a little ridiculous in his head, but he wasn't necessarily sure what he was supposed to think.

"What's up?" She asked again, turning her body more now to face him. Alex did the same towards her, clearing his throat before slowly beginning to speak.

"Um, so... What's the deal with Fluttershy and Discord?" Alex asked finally. Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow at him, clearly surprised by this question.

"Why were you thinking about that?" She asked.

"Well, I just noticed them the other day, and I was just wondering what's the history there." He explained, choosing to keep his inner feelings to himself for now.

"Uh, well they're best friends. He used to be evil, but when he turned good, Fluttershy was his first friend, and she stuck with him even when the rest of us would doubt him. They're pretty close." Rainbow Dash explained. Alex nodded.

"Yeah, I noticed that closeness at the train station." Alex commented. Rainbow Dash gave him another glance.

"Are you thinking that there's something romantic between the two of them? Because that's a little ridiculous." Rainbow Dash said. Alex raised an eyebrow at her.

"Is it though? You yourself said they have a history. In a place like this, I'm not really sure what to doubt." Alex explained his thought process. Rainbow Dash shrugged a bit.

"Either way, it isn't like that. You already know that she's dating your best friend, Evan. Remember?" Rainbow Dash pointed out. Alex shrugged at this.

"That didn't seem to stop them." Alex said, sitting back a bit. Rainbow Dash scoffed a bit, now going on the defensive.

"Hey, Fluttershy is not like that." She said firmly.

"Maybe not. Still, I just have a thing about being in a relationship and showing physical affection to someone other than the person that you're dating." Alex explained.

"Well, I mean, yeah, but they've been friends a long time. That's just the way they are." Rainbow Dash argued.

"Sure, but how would you feel if I had a female friend that I would get as close to as they do." Alex asked. Rainbow Dash quickly shook her head.

"I wouldn't be okay with that."

"So how is this any different?" Alex asked.

"Because it isn't about being romantic. It's not that serious." She answered.

"Right. So are there any close friends that you have that I should know about?" Alex asked, now meeting her eyes with an uncharacteristically cold stare. Rainbow Dash scoffed, a bit offended by this question.

"Um, firstly, no. Secondly, why did you decide to date me if you thought I wouldn't be loyal to you?" Rainbow Dash asked a bit angrily.

"I never said you wouldn't be. I'm just asking a question. Apparently the mentality here on this planet is different than where I'm from." Alex said.

"I think that you're making this a bit bigger of a deal than it actually is." Rainbow Dash responded defensively.

"Do you actually know why it bothers me? Because if you did, you wouldn't be saying that." Alex said, setting down his book firmly. Rainbow Dash took a breath.

"Alright... What is the reason?" She asked a little softer. Alex huffed a bit.

"Each of my previous relationships ended like that. As we grew more distant, some other guy came along, and they got closer physically and would say the same things that you're saying right now, and you already know how they all ended up.

"I'm sorry, I know Fluttershy's your bestie and all that, but between her and Evan, I'm gonna be on Evan's side. I don't know how he feels about this, maybe it doesn't bother him, but I feel pretty bad for him if she turns out to be like that."

"She won't." Rainbow Dash responded immediately.

"Maybe not, but I will never be okay with that." Alex stated firmly.

"Okay... I understand somewhat. I'm sorry that I said you were being ridiculous." Rainbow Dash said quietly. Alex swallowed and nodded.

"It's alright... And I'm sorry if my arguments came out as an insult. That wasn't my intention." Alex apologized too. The two shared a hug.

"Fluttershy will prove you wrong in time."

"She probably will." Alex said.

"Yeah." She hummed, settling against him. Alex leaned down and kissed her on the forehead.

"Our first fight." Alex said with a bit of a chuckle. Rainbow Dash couldn't help but smile a bit.

"Glad it's over."

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