time stop

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Helen whent to school as allways and met emily. They whent to class. (With jon) helen was geting bored with the lesson and began to fidget. She fidgeted with her fingers and then she snaped her fingers... every one frose even jon and emily. EVEN THE TEACHER. Was she emagining things? No every one stoped. She lookd out of the window and saw a leaf dead in its tracks in the air. The cars warent moveing aswell. She tought this was weard and snaped her fingers again and every thing was back to normal the cars ware moveing the teacher resumed to teach emily and jon warent frosen they ware fine as if nothing happend. When school ended Helen called Emily over to her house her parents warent home they ware at work. Helen explayned everything to Emily. Emily was blown away at first she didnt belive Helen. Helen experimented with her powers a bit. She stoped time with her fingers and stood right in front of Emily. She said banana. Helen snaped her fingers again and asked Emily what she had said to her. Emily had no idea. "I dont know" she said. Ok no one could remember any thing said whyle time frosen. Helen stoped time again and touched Emily on the back. She resumed time and asked Emily where she touched her. Emily had no idea. She said "what you touched me?" "Yea" replyed Helen. "I didint feal any thing!" Said Emily bu surprise. And last Helen snaped her fingers and posed in front of Emily she hade take a pose where her arms are crosed and one leg 90° in the air. She snaped her fingers to resume time and asked "what pose did i take?" "WHAT are u mad your in the same position!!!" Ok so the side efects of this power is noone can remember anything that is said they cant remember if any one touched them and they cant remember any pose taken in front of them. Helen and Emily whent to school the folowing day and ware talking about the nuw power of Helen. They whent to theyr first calss and Helen had a plan she hadent tolld Emily about it. When it was time for them to go home helen snaped her fingers and time stoped. Helen to her surprise picked up jon like he was nothing. She brought him to her home and locked every door entering the house. Her parents ware at work but she didnt had to wory about that, time had stoped. She took jon in her bedoom, she closed the blinds, she lit red candles and put jon on her bed. If jon could see all of this he would be surprised. Helen took of her shirt slowly she had only thr bra left covering her chest. Helens chest was surpriseingly big. She would bite her lip every fuw seconds. She would put herself on jon (with out her shirt on) then she stood on her knees and only with her thumbs slowly satarted to take of her pants (Helen had a black bra with a little bit of hole disigns along with her underwear😏). She compleatly took of her pants and shirt. Helen with her huge chest grabd both of her boobs and played them around on jon. She wasnt done there. . .

time stoped dead in its tracksWhere stories live. Discover now