♡ 17 ♡

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"you got a bounce house!?" i shouted in excitment at my mother.

"the little kids love it yeah." she nodded.

"what about me? i wanna use it" i spoke, slightly disipointed.

"you're not 5 y/n" she rolled her eyes as we prep the food together.

"she has she mentality of a five year old, does that count?" a fugly voice spoke from next to me. my mom laughed at aren's remark.

"not funny dipshit" i groaned before walking to the other side of the room.

"can we use the bounce house once the little kids get run ov- i mean go home." i peer at my working mother.

"knock yourself out." she gave in as i cheered and did a double highfive with aren.

"when will that be, mother?" i peered once again.

"seven, eightish?" she replied and me and aren loudly groaned together.

"fuck them kids" i mumbled to him.

"for real" he nodded back at me.

a bit of time passes of cleaning and setting the event up. after i met more people this year, it also forced my mom to socialize and she met some 'cool friends'. good for her.

by that it's shun and kusuo's milf of moms along with some neighbors with children.

what's the celebration you ask? it's the it's the several year anniversary of my mom leaving my shitty dad. we celebrate it.

and yes, a bounce house is needed.

over the years it was just me, aren, and a few short termed friends or neighbors. but now i have people i actually give a fuck about.

so what do i do till my friends arrive? i nap.

napping for only an hour was enough for aren to catch me and continusly slam me with pillows until i woke up.

along with a few phrases like "wake up bitch, is that kusuo flying? you're so lazy". (as jokes of course)

"are the kids gone yet?" i stretched and sat up from my comftorable bed.

"no, but your boyfriends here and he has stuff on his eyes." he said.

"what?" i looked up at him in confusion.

"nevermind, come on!" he practically dragged me to my neighbor-filled backyard where i spotted my mom greeting kusuo and his mother.

for specificly, i noticed the eyeliner i had put on him from the night before was still there. but it looked more smudged, honestly attractive.

i got startled out of my thoughts by a bandaged hand coming up to my face.

"hey guys!" shun greeted.

"you scared me!" i scolded as i put my hand over my chest to feel my heartbeat.

"heh, sorry" he gently rubbed the back of his neck and smiled sheepishly.

"we're taking over the bounce house once all the twerps leave." aren announced.

"twerps? my little brothers here!" kaidou defended.

aren and i looked at eachother for a moment before speaking "ok" at the same time and changing the subject.

"oh look, there's kusuo, i'm gonna go save him." i quickly walked away from the scene and approached the boy.

"wanna go play supersmash bros?" i whispered and looked around as if we were spies.

"you sound stupid, but yes" he surprisingly agreed as we ran upstairs.

"i just got the new one for switch. zelda's so hot." i simped as he once again, gave me a weirded out look.

"stop being so judgy...." i mumbled before walking into my room along side my crush and both of us taking a seat on the best chair- the bean bag.

quickly grabbing the controllers and setting up the system and it booted up.

i signed into my account called y/a/n with my sexy mii and opened up the application.

"you're still wearing the eyeliner" i brought up. he looked at me.

"i am?" he said before rubbing his eyes.

"don't do that! it'll mess it up" i pouted.

the intro played and the game was ready so i brought us to the map selection screen. i pressed the random select button and the letters 'great plateau tower' came up from zeleda.

"who are you gonna pick?" i asked once the character selection screen appeared.

he seemed deep in thought about who to pick. i clicked on the best character, (character of your choice) as kusuo ended up playing as kirby.

"aw you're playing as sucky sucky!" i cooed. he rolled his eyes and the map generated, alongside our characters.

the countdown began.

~round one - kirby wins~
~round two- (character of your choice) wins ~

things were getting competative, he even had to take off his jacket in order to go for the win.

i was dead focused into the game, so in the middle of round three, when i felt a warmth on my knee i looked down and saw kusuo put his hand on my leg whilst brutally beating up my character without my knowledge.

"kirby, won!" the announcer said, shooting me out of my thoughts. my eyes widened.

"you cheated! you knew i would get distracted you-" i shouted before he interupted.

"i won, fair game" he stated casually.

i was flustered at the moment and couldn't speak, so i just sat back down.

"wanna go back down?" i asked, in a dramaticly sad way.

"no" he said.

"wanna play more?" i sat up, looking at him. he simply nodded and we grabbed the controllers again, preparing for more battles.

~ the demons- i mean the children have left ~

taking off my shoes, i cheered.

"bounce house bitches!" i yelled as i slid into the enterence, the rest following.


four of us, kusuo, aren, and shun. we somehow convinced saiki to hangout with us in the bounce house.

"guys! bounce me!" kaidou cheered like a little kid as he sat in the middle of us. we started jumping at the same time, causing shun to fly a bit into the air and scream.

we played more things like that, and had a fun time. but eventually it's gotta end somewhere.

the boys all left, kusuo pat my head before leaving. no "bye" or "i had a fun time" but it was enough that i understood what he meant.

short kinda filler chapter :)

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