my mom had sent me out with a list for groceries around noon. i started my not so long walk and quickly spotted a boy intensley staring at a cat.'what the hell'
he was rolling his eyes at the fluffy animal as if he were having a conversation with it. i walked over and stood next to him and realized it was saiki.
"are you having a conversation with that cat in your mind?" i asked
he gave me a weirded out look and i snorted.
"now you just look constipated." i told him.
he once again rolled his eyes and tried walking away, but we both knew i wouldn't let him off that easy. i picked up the cat who seemed to have really enjoyed the attention and ran back over to the boy who was walking away.
"hey! you forgot your cat." i said, out of breath and holding out the pet.
"that's not my cat" he responded.
"then why were you staring at it so intensely earlier. are you the cat whisperer or something?"
'he's so fed up with me by now'
"i've never seen that cat in my life. i'm leaving." he turned back around.
"whatever! i'll just go get some coffee jelly alone then with all this money from my mom! how am i going to eat it all alone?" i fake pouted, knowing his weakness for sweets.
he immediately turned back around to me.
"let's go." he said as we walked twords the commons area where the food places were.
"wait! what about the cat?" i once again asked.
he not so gently took the cat from my arms and sat it on a nearby bench.
"there, problem solved." he told me
"i guess that works, let's go."
_____after practically forcing saiki to come grocery shopping with me, we headed to a cafe where our schoolmate, mera, had been working. aka: the girl who could eat a whole volleyball team.
"you're really quiet you know." i said to the pink haired boy. he shrugged and gave a small nod.
"you hangout with people though. aren seems to really like you, but you lowkey seem dead inside." i told him.
"good grief, can't i just enjoy my food in peace." he commented.
"you mean the food i'm paying for? you really need to set some goals dude." i muttered the last couple words, which he obviously caught onto.
"you're brutally honest." he replied, eating the jelly now placed in front of him as i got my (food).
"i guess. i don't think much though, i mostly just do stuff without thinking. i know that sounds bad, but it's worked so far for me." i shrugged.
we ate our food in a few minutes of silence. i noticed he took his ring off for a bit while eating, which was understandable.
once it was time to pay i stood up and stretched. i let out a quiet yawn, realizing i was tired.
"where are you off to after this my friend?" i asked.
"home, unless you keep dragging me places." he added as he put his ring back onto his finger.
"hey what's that ring for?" i looked down at it and reached to touch it, but he lightly swatted my hand away.
"no touchie?" i pouted, holding my hand to my chest.
"rude..." i mumbled.
after paying, we walked outside. it was still warm out and beautiful outside. i closed my eyes and took a few breaths.
"hey saiki?" i looked at the farmiliar boy.
he gave a 'hmm' as a sign to continue.
i exhaled. "do you like it here? like do you ever wanna leave?" i questioned him.
"i'm not sure." he looked at me through his green tinted glasses.
"well i wanna travel. i think, i haven't thought about it really," i laughed.
"i used to live in america, i heard it's total shit now. i don't remember much though since i was so young." i continued as we sat on a bench at a nearby park, similar to the one he placed the stray cat onto.
"it's strange you know?" i hummed and looked at saiki. there was a slight breeze, causing his hair to shuffle a slight bit.
"what?" he asked.
"we're all seporating after high school. i don't know where i'm going. nendou is probably going to a ramen factory, lord knows where aren and kaidou are gonna end up." i giggled slightly, playing with my fingers.
"and you're going back to your alien planet!" i said as i looked back up at him.
"i thought you were done with the alien thing." he sighed.
"never." i claimed.
silence took over us as we took in the scenery around us. i began to get tired and i completely forgot about the food i had to give to my mom.
"SHOOT" i shot out of my seat. the alien like boy gave me a strange look as i grabbed my bags.
"i forgot to give my mom the actual groceries that i came out here for." i remarked, rubbing a hand behind my neck in emberassment.
"idiot." he added.
"aw. thanks for today saiki it meant a lot, i'll see you at school." i once again, dramatically curtsied/bowed and walked off, but not before giving him a quick pat on the head.
"y/n it's been three and a half hours."
"THE ICE CREAMS COMPLETLEY MELTED!" my mother scolded me.
"heh...." i awkwardly ran up to my room and prepared myself for a great nap.

║alien friend ║(saiki k x fem!reader)
Fanfic♡ COMPLETE ♡ ➩ i'm not a psychic, not new to pk academy, not some sort of god sent girl that everyone is obsessed with. i'm an average person. so how did i get the attention of a certain pink haired psychic? ➩ CONTAINS MATURE LANGUAGE ➩ I DO NOT OW...