14 - A Dress

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"Well, are you sure you're fit to go?" You say, frowning at the slip of paper he's handed you. It's an invitation to the Aster Kingdom's festival, in other words, Jimin's festival.

"Of course I am, I haven't felt really weak in days. Come on, it'll be so much fun," Taehyung says happily and you sigh, looking down at the fancy writing inviting both him and you. You can't say no to him when he has that smile painted on his stupidly handsome face.

"Fine, but if you feel sick at any point, you better tell me, I don't care how much fun we're having," You warn and Taehyung giggles happily, doing an adorable little dance with an equally adorable boxy smile. "I will, I promise! Hey, we should get you a dress."

"Huh? What? No way, not happening," You say quickly but Taehyung just grins at you. "What colour would suit you?" He hums while you shake your head frantically. "No, you're not buying me anything."

"I think pink, or maybe lilac with some flowers, stay on theme with the festival," He says, toying with the collar of your shirt playfully. "Taehyung, if you buy me anything, and I mean anything, I'll end you."

"I'll get it fitted too, what's your bra size?"

You smack his chest as hard as you can and he hisses in pain. "Ouch, that hurt my feelings," He pouts and you glare at him. "If you ever dare to ask me something like that again, you'll find yourself in need of a new nurse."

"So adorable. I'm still getting you the dress, I don't care what you say or threaten," He says and you glare at him in what you hope is an intimidating way. "I swear to God Tae-"

"Come on, you have to dress up for festivals like this! I know you'll look beautiful, just let me spoil you."

You scoff, wishing he'd shut up. Him saying he wants to spoil you is enough to make your entire face burn up, which is exactly the opposite of what you want. "Shut up, go back to bed and leave me alone."

"You know I'm not gonna do that. Wanna have some coffee?" Taehyung asks with a cheerful smile, nodding to the corner of his study where a tray with ingredients for coffee is sitting. "Fine, only because I need some energy to put up with you."

"Of course," Tae hums, walking over and making you both some coffee while you sit in the window seat, looking down at the colourful gardens. "How expensive are dresses?" You ask, looking over at him while he pours some milk into the cups.

"Don't worry about it. How much sugar?" He asks and you sigh, pulling your knees up to your chest and wrapping your arms around them. "Two. Don't spend too much on me, I probably won't even wear the dress that often."

"I don't care about the price once we find the perfect one. I'll tell the maid to call up the designers and get their options and opinions," He says while walking over. He hands you his coffee and then sits down opposite to you in the window seat, sipping his coffee while looking outside.

"I can't believe I'm letting you do this," You sigh and he smiles at you, pleased with how easily you're agreeing to the things he wants for you. Usually, you'd make more of a fuss, it's sort of surprising that you're giving up already.

"I guess you just can't say no to me," Taehyung says with a sly smile and you shoot him a glare before looking back out the window and sipping your sweet coffee.

"Unfortunately not."


"A...dress? He's getting you a dress...?" Yoongi asks slowly and you sigh, shoving the large shovel deeper into the dirt and pushing your foot down on it. "I told him not to but he's already meeting with designers and shit."

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