9 - Lake Kids

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"Hold this," You say, handing your caramel apple on a stick to Yeonjun before turning back to Taehyung. You're a little way away from the market now, Taehyung sitting on the bench of one of the many picnic tables of the seating area.

You dig around in your satchel, pulling out a spoon and a medicine bottle. Taehyung is watching you with adorable puppy eyes, almost trying to sway you into not giving him the terrible–tasting medicine.

You pour some medicine onto the spoon, leaning down to Taehyung to give it to him. A loud crunching sound causes you to glare over your shoulder at Yeonjun, who's taking a bite of your apple.

He munches on it, smiling at you with his mouth closed like he didn't just take a bite of your precious food. "I'm gonna kill you for that."

You turn back to Taehyung, who's watching the spoon apprehensively. "Just swallow it and then you can enjoy your caramel apple."

"It'll taste weird after the medicine," Taehyung says and you sigh, poking his bottom lip with the spoon. "Come on, just swallow it."

Taehyung sighs, leaning forward to the spoon and swallowing the awful medicine. He shudders and you pull the spoon out of his mouth, putting it back in the satchel and closing the cap of the medicine bottle again.

You put the satchel on the picnic table, snatching your caramel apple back from Yeonjun as he tries to take another bite, smacking him on the back of the head. "Ouch, I was just hungry!"

"Go buy your own, you got plenty of money from the performances tonight," You say, aiming a kick at him. Yeonjun quickly dodges it, rushing to stand behind you so you can't keep attacking him, holding your shoulders in place so you can't turn around. "It's easier to just eat yours."

You tilt your head back, looking upside down at him and scrunching your nose. "Suck my dick, Yeonjun."

"Suck mine," He says, sticking his tongue out at you and yanking on a lock of your hair before quickly returning to the market before you can hit him.

"Are you always this vulgar with your friends?" Taehyung asks, biting into his caramel apple. You walk over to the picnic table and hop onto it, sitting there and swinging your legs off the side like a child.

"Yeah, I tone it down with you because you're royal and such," You tease and Taehyung rolls his eyes, resting his elbow on the table while eating some of his apple. "I thought your swearing was the extent of your vulgarity."

"Well, I'm full of surprises. Oh, the kids have firecrackers, look!" You say, pointing to some young teenagers messing around with firecrackers. They're holding black sticks with sparks dancing around on the end, swinging them at their friends playfully.

"I've never seen them before," Taehyung says and you frown at him in disbelief. "You have to be lying at this point. First you say you've never had a caramel apple, now this?"

"I haven't before today, but they taste really good," He says, still munching on the apple with a little pout. You smile at him, admiring him discreetly while he eats. It's so adorable how he eats with a pout no matter what the situation.

"Do you wanna get some firecrackers and go over to the lake?" You ask hopefully and Taehyung hums, finishing his apple surprisingly quickly and throwing the stick into the bin. "Sure, where do we buy them?"

"Let me pay this time," You say quickly, throwing your mostly finished caramel apple in the bin after him. "No way. You're risking your job to bring me here, I'm paying for everything."

"You wouldn't let them fire me, you love me too much," You say with a grin, walking over to the stall of firecrackers and fireworkers. "You're lying to yourself again."

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