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as soon as i got home from school, i started packing a suitcase. every year for Halloween, my parents drag me to a party with a bunch of their rich, business friends. that's how i met Casey, and we usually pulled through it together but this year, her boyfriend, Connor wanted to go to some random college party.

fuck Connor. remind me to kill him.

i didn't pack a lot, as we were only going away for a weekend, but enough to have options.

i headed downstairs to find my parents yelling at each other about something about my mother's car, and how it was better to drive my dads. they argued more then usual, but never about something crazy.

i cleared my throat and they instantly shut up.

"Ah! Thea are you ready?"

"yes mother," i sighed, just wanting to get this over with.

we packed the car (my dads) and started our 3 hour drive.

i kept my headphones in most of the drive, focusing on my book, but halfway through the ride, i heard a familiar name.

" the Hayes are coming this year," my mother said i'm almost a whisper, but it still got my attention.

my father seemed surprised, "Even his wife?"

"no, they haven't seen her in years, remember?" my mother said as if it was obvious, hitting my fathers shoulder, "but the son is,"

great. this weekend was already going to be a pain and now Matteo is going to be there. i knew his family went, but they haven't gone since we were little. i didn't know much, but my mother and her gossipy ways let me know that his mother was having problems with his dad, and ended up leaving them without any warning. they haven't gone since she left.

"They are going?" i ask, making sure that i was hearing them right. that's what he must have meant by see you tomorrow.

my mother turned around, "don't be nosy," she didn't like when i listened to her gossip. not my problem that she talked so loud.

"i'm not, i was just wondering."

"well, don't wonder"

my father scenes the tension, and pulled over to the nearest gas station.

before getting out to fill up the gas, he turned to me, handing me a couple 20s, "buy me a pack of gum, would you?"

i wasn't dumb. a pack of gum doesn't cost 40$, maybe not even a dollar. but that is how we fixed problems in this family, with money. he hands me a few bills and all of our problems vanish. you should have seen the money he gave me after my mother ditched me at a concert to go to the bar.

i roll my eyes and left the car, heading into the gas station, i couldn't stand to be in a car with my mom any longer. was i not allowed to ask questions?

the gas station was smaller then the usual ones, as we were in a small town.

i picked out an energy drink, and head over to the candy isle. turning the isle, i see someone who has been way to familiar lately. Matteo Hayes. fucking Matteo Hayes.

before he could notice me, i whipped back into the other isle.
damn it, so he really is going.

all of a sudden, i could hear footsteps heading into my isle. i threw open a freezer door to the drinks, and hid my face inside, pretending to look at the flavors.

please don't be him.

please don't be him.

"fancy seeing you here Theo," he said, almost laughing at my face in the freezer.

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