Chapter One

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Chapter One: The Beginning

It was a cool summer night back in 1902, a family of five were sleeping soundly, until young Catherine Blackwood who was in her room sleeping peacefully until whispers began to surround her, calling to her, urging her to awaken. Catherine slowly sat up looking around her surroundings and drowsily walked out of her room into the dark hallway almost like she was in a trance she exited out of the house into the decrepit forest. Walking through the forest Catherine's white nightgown and her bare feet became dirty as she walked small tears formed on the dress. Catherine continued her journey to an unknown destination. "Catherine... follow the sound of my voice." As she walked the voice sounded clearer a slow deep males voice surrounded her ears and muffled any logical thought she had. Slowly she approached a clearing there standing was a tall mysterious handsome man. She finally reached him, her mind was fogged up the man slowly reached his hand up and caressed her cheek. "My aren't you pretty." He stated to her. Catherine's dark unruly hair past her mid-back blew in the breeze as she stared at the man with such odd and unfamiliar devotion. "I have such amazing plans for you my sweet Catherine, so many plans..." He mumbled as his lips grazed hers. Catherine and the mysterious man slowly kneeled to the ground. In the background, a group of figures emerged quietly chanting phrases she did not understand. As she gazed up at him, she noted how his hair fell past his midback and he was eerily pale even for a man of his stature, his eyes were a blazing red, slowly she began to blackout. It felt like an eternity As Catherine laid on the ground, she eventually woke to the blinding sun and dew glazing over her skin and damping her gown. Placing her hand to protect her eyes. Slowly, she rose from the ground disorientated. Catherine looked around here lost in thought ... "Catherine!!!!" a raspy voice called out. Catherine heard dogs barking in the far distance. Catherine began to stumble towards the sound of the barking as she approached. "Oh my god, Catherine what happened?" her grandfather's anguished voice cried out. Catherine stared at him confused she glanced down and released a scream as she saw the state of her dress. Her grandfather quickly placed his jacket around her shoulders and quickly made their way back to the house. As they approached the old farmhouse, an elderly woman raced outside the door and embraced the girl. she looked over her to see if she had any visible injuries and asked, "Where were you? You had me so worried." Catherine could not truly think of a response to her grandmother. The raven-haired elder woman rushed towards her granddaughter and looked over her noticing the disheveled appearance of her granddaughter. "Cathy are you okay?" her elder sister called out to her from the kitchen in the doorway where she stood. Pauline her beloved sister was wearing an apron over her long-sleeved cream-colored shirt and a dark green long-fitted skirt. Her hair was not in its usual updo it looked unkept and fell her back and her face looked long and worn out primarily when she woke up discovering that her sister was not in her bed or anywhere in the house. Catherine could not come up with a response to any of their questions she could only stare at them as she was guided up the stairs by her grandfather. Down the hallway to the right just across from her grandparents' room was Pauline and Catherine's room it was a decent-sized room with two beds a dresser and a chair in the corner of the room. On the dresser laid a brush and a comb. Towards the left of their grandparents' room nestled in the corner of the hall was her younger brother's room. Poor Edmund was running a fever the night before, so he was mostly sleeping. Her grandfather instructed her to clean herself up and to get some rest her sister would bring her some food later on. Catherine nodded her head slowly at him and made her way to the restroom with another nightdress and clean undergarments. In the bathroom sat a porcelain tub and Catherine ran warm water in the tub and as she waited for it to reach a certain level she looked into the mirror and stared at her reflection noticing how wild her thick hair was as well as the bags under her eyes. Catherine eventually turned the water off and stepped into the tub and began to think about the events that transpired the night before more so about the man that she was approached by this time she was able to have a better look at his appearance. He was tall with long dark hair, his skin was pallid and icily freezing to the touch, and he was tall so tall he towered over her and he had to bend down to reach her. Catherine could not recall what he was saying to her but what she did remember was that he claimed to want them to be together forever, but her family was in the way. Catherine had no idea what this man could want with her, but she knew he did not mean her any good. Finally, on what seemed like forever, Catherine emerged from the tub. She did not realize how long she had been inside the tub, but she concluded it had to have been for a while since her hands and feet were so pruned. Catherine dressed into her nightdress and made her way to the dresser to fix her hair and braid them. Afterward, Catherine finally made it into her bed to rest.

Catherine slept for hours but her dreams were plagued with the man's voice saying to her such horrid things. Things unimaginable He wanted Catherine to harm her family and rid them out of her life. The most frightening thing for her though was that she welcomed his twisted thoughts and began to think of them as her own.

The year is now 1910 over eight years have passed since that faithful day of Catherine waking in the middle of the woods after hearing a voice calling to her the dreams eventually began to disappear but unfortunately for her family, Catherine's mental state was beginning to fade. Catherine changed from the sweet dutiful granddaughter and loving sister to an empty husk that was disassociated with her family. Growing concerned for her, her grandparents tried to find help for the young girl, but it was too late for Catherine she was finally too far gone. On the night of August 17, 1910, the whole family was slaughtered except for two people, young Catherine, and the youngest child Edmund. Catherine was never seen again but over decades, mysterious ritual killings happened near the old, abandoned home. Many locals believe that it is Catherine's mad spirit committing the horrendous acts of violence and others believe that there is a much darker force behind the killings. Recent sightings of cult members appearing near the old abandoned home. As for Edmund, he was discovered at a neighbor's home, unharmed, but he was deadly silent he refused to speak of what transpired the night of the massacre. But could you blame the child he was traumatized by witnessing such a gruesome act take place.

No one for sure can truly say what transpired that dreadful night but the only thing that could for sure be said about this tragic event is that eventually overtime their tale began to bleed into nothing but just some eerie urban legend soon to be lost throughout time. The one thing about urban legends that many forget is that their always some form of truth behind them....

On the night of August 17, 1920, similar killings took place near the old home which led to police discovering something truly gruesome about the killings. To their horror, the killings were determined to sacrificial killings and a few cult members were captured and sentenced to death. A decade later similar killings happened again until finally authorities were forced to issue a manhunt for the cult and later each member was either killed or imprisoned. One member looked strikingly similar to Catherine Blackwood, but they were not certain that it was her. The killings stopped for a while until around the time of 1960 after the death of Edmund Blackwood,56, was tragically beaten to death, and later his body was found hanging. The killings began to emerge again starting with the men who were responsible for his death. Many people in the town began to suspect that the vengeful spirit of Catherine Blackwood came back to punish the men as well as their families for the death of her beloved younger brother. Police at that moment in time did not have any suspects and eventually, their deaths turned into a cold case never to have any answers on who or what had killed them. Afterward, the killings never happened again but on the eve of the family's deaths screams can be heard from the house and at certain hours of the night if you pay close attention to the house you may just have the chance to see Catherine's figure standing in the window on the second floor, inside of her old bedroom.

It was not until twenty years did the killings resurfaced up again and this time, the entity responsible for the mysterious deaths of the unfortunate decided to continue its bloody rampage. On just the eve of Catherine Blackwood's killing spree did strange things began to happen in the town.

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