Chapter Two

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Chapter Two: Black Orchid

The year was August 15, 1980. A group of teens were traveling to attend a concert that would be occurring two days on August 17 and in order to get there they had to travel down an old road that would eventually lead them to the interstate. The group was comprised of seven teens in a van that belonged to Eric Morgan. They were just leaving a gas station that they had recently stopped at. Eric Morgan was at the front of the van driving wearing a band t-shirt and denim jeans and his chestnut brown hair shoulder-length curly hair pushed back. Alyssa Kingston was at the front in the passenger side with a blue bomber varsity jacket, red shirt, medium washed denim jeans with pops of yellow on the outfit her hair was split on the side and curled. Jackson Shelby was in the back with Veronica Braxton, Tate Jones, Jedediah Jones, Helena Shelby. Jackson Shelby was a tall, muscular, average build young man with long dark hair and vibrant green eyes he wore a denim jacket white loose fitted shirt, and denim jeans with black shoes on. His younger sister, Helena Shelby, looked similar, but instead, her eyes were a cool grey color and she had wavy dark hair with dark makeup on her face and wore a white blouse with a black sleeveless vest, dark denim skirt, and tennis shoes on, her hair was styled in a half up half down style. Veronica Braxton was a young African American who wore a denim short overall with a KISS band shirt with a black varsity jacket on and a pair of tennis shoes. Her hair was pushed back by a red headband. Tate and Jedediah are identical twins, and both wore somewhat similar garbs both had big blonde hair and wore band shirts and denim jeans with black boots on. If only everyone had paid attention to the back of the van where Jackson, Veronica, and Helena all shared a sinister look. However, everyone including were all too busy in their own worlds to notice Eric was blasting rock music in the van and was somewhat paying attention to the road, Alyssa Kingston distracted him about something, Tate and Jedediah were having their own conversation with one another. Then out of now where a dear emerged in the road Eric was unable to stop and unfortunately in order to avoid running into the deer he swerved and ran into a tree. For a minute everything went black for the young teenagers except for Veronica, Jackson, and Helena. All three of them were widely awake and wore cheshire grins on their faces. Catherine slowly pulled an ax out of her bag that she brought with her. Disoriented, Jedediah noticed Veronica pulling an ax out of her bag and began to freak out but Jackson reached over and slit his throat. For over an hour the teens were unconscious but as Tate came to he noticed his brother bleeding from his throat screamed in pure terror quickly shaking the others out of their stupor noticing that Veronica Jackson and Helena were no longer in the van. All three teens scattered out of the car in fear and to their horror, just a few feet from the van stood two cloaked figures one of the figures was a female silhouette with an ax and a tall figure standing with a bloodied dagger. "Oh my god!!" Alyssa cried out and slowly inched behind Eric. Eric got in the front of both Tate and Alyssa as the female figure slowly lowered her cloak hood and revealed a black mask and long medium raven dark hair that was curled at the ends the hairstyle looked oddly similar to Veronica... the teens began to back up when out of the corner of their eyes they noticed a group of people begin to emerge from the tree lines all of them wearing similar dark cloaks to the mysterious individuals in the middle of the road. The masked figure removed her face mask and revealed her face to them, "Veronica w-what's going on?" Alyssa questioned the other girl. A malicious grin emerged on the girl's face "Don't worry Alyssa, it's just that all of you have been chosen to be our selected sacrifices for our lord. All of you should be honored for this is a time for great joy. Oh, and by the way, my name is not Veronica... It's Catherine." Catherine responded back to the pale-faced teen. "Now then let the sacrifice begin!!" Catherine cried out. Screams filled the dark forest and by morning each of the bodies of the four teens was discovered with markings and symbols carved into their flesh and any sign that the other two teens that that traveled with them were never discovered.

"Poor kids they, unfortunately, fell prey to Catherine who would have thought that she would have returned after all of these years...."


The police did not know what to do and chose to instead declare the case to be a cold case. For the families, they will never find closure on what truly happened to their children. The media only got that it was just a freak accident. For the next decade, the same thing happened a group of teens were driving down a dark road at night and mysteriously wound up dead. Same markings and same gruesome scene. Years have passed the killing would happen every decade until the year 2010 came no killings happened but similar incidents occurred but the style of the killings were different not exactly the same as before. As authorities began to think the killing finally stopped in 2019 The killings began to surface back up again in the small town. This time the killings would be far more gruesome, and this time Catherine planned to enlist more members to continue the sacrifices. The cult never had an official name, but the locals referred to them as the disciples of Zogtheth. Catherine's true association with the cult was never truly specified but she was considered the entities lover, or in some cases, she has been declared its bride.

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