Chapter 9: trying to take the king back

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General had a guitar in his arms, he threw it back which tempo caught it. "Oh no." Lucy got up. Emmett smiled. "No, how about you save this uh song for later,okay?" Lucy asked. "Oh, is it not okay with you?" Emmett asked. "It's fine." Lucy replied. "Okay she said yes." Queen Wat'evra wanabi said. "NO!" Lucy shouted. "Save the song for later?!" Unikitty interrupted. "Maybe for the ceremony?" Benny asked worried. "Sounds great to me!" Emmett said. "So, can we eat or something?" Lucy asked. "Your not in a hurry are you?" General asked. "NO! No we're not." Lucy replied. General looked away from Lucy, Lucy sighed she started walking out of the room. "Wildstyle?" Unikitty turned around. "Oh..I'm just going to get some air." Lucy replied. "Okay!" Unikitty went back to the others. Lucy started walking around the castle, she was looking around. "Emmett..there's gotta be a real reason why your not coming back to us.." Lucy opened a window door, she looked around and took one step..she fell. Lucy started screaming, this was the end for her, she landed on the floor. "W-where am I? Hello?!" Lucy shouted, she saw a girl running around the girl stopped, she looked down at Lucy, she picked her up. "WOAH! HEY!" Lucy said but the girl just looked at Lucy and smiled until they both heard footsteps. "BIANCA!" Yelled a boy. "Finn!" Bianca turned around. "You took my characters again! Stop taking my characters! You already took one away!" Finn yelled at Bianca, they started arguing until a lady was right at the door. "What's going on?" The lady asked. "SHE TOOK MY GUYS!!" Finn shouted. "Finn, let her play with them for a little." Said the lady. "NO! I gave her one when she was little! She doesn't need 5 more from me!" Finn was stopped when they woman shushed him. "Finn, you gave her that construction worker and that's that!" The lady crossed her arms. "His name is Emmett!" Finn replied. "King Emmett." Bianca corrected him. "You turned him into a king?!" Finn asked. "He was always a king! You just never noticed!" Bianca looked down. "Finn, go back to your room and Bianca just continue and remember this is the last time." The lady said, then she left, Finn walked back to his room. Bianca looked at Lucy and placed her down in the castle.

"Gave?! GAVE?!" Lucy questioned herself. "This whole time...Emmett wasn't kidnapped..he was TRADED?!" Lucy kept questioning herself until she ran into sweet mayhem and general. "Oh it's you! The king wanted to see you." Sweet mayhem grabbed Lucy's arm and started rushing to emmetts room. "Wait! What do you know what the.." Lucy was standing in front of Emmetts door while the generals ran off. Lucy rolled her eyes and kicked the door open. "EMMETT!" Lucy shouted. "Oh! Lucy! There you are." Emmett was brushing his hair. "No more games or anything! What happened to you?! You were the nicest construction worker ever!" Lucy walked closer to Emmett. "What do you mean?" Emmett asked. "How did you become a did you get here?!" Lucy asked. "You saw me, the duplohs took me!" Emmett put down his hair brush and turned to see Lucy. "Why can't you tell the truth?! Why?! We're you traded or were you stolen?!" Lucy asked, Emmett froze in shock and fear. "H-how much do y-you know?!" Emmett asked. "Oh so you are hiding something?!" Lucy picked up a vase. "L-Lucy calm down! I'll try to explain!" Emmett said. "I'm not gonna hurt you Emmett, we're gonna kidnap you." Lucy said. "WHAT?!" Emmett asked in fear, Emmett looked right behind him to see Benny and Batman with a bag.
The generals were playing a video game in the other room until they heard crashes and loud noises. "Should we check on the king.." sweet mayhem was cut off when she heard Emmett cry for help. "YUP LETS GO SAVE HIM!" Sweet mayhem and general got up and started rushing to Emmetts room.

"LET ME GO YOU MEAN OLD BEAUTIFUL MONSTERS!" Emmett shouted. "Sorry Emmett! We had to tie you up instead of putting you in the bag." Benny said. "Benny! That's doesn't help! Just let me go!" Emmett shouted. "No! Not until you tell us what your hiding!" Lucy shouted. "Ugh fine.." Emmett and Batman put Emmett down and Emmett looked up at them.

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