20- Crushes and Crashes.

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I walked into The Coffee House and sat on one of the stools.
"Hi, Can I take your order?" I look up and see Emma standing there in front of me in her uniform, it was a dorky top with a picture of a coffee cup on, but she pulled it off.
She smiled at me slightly, obviously noting my presence as she finished off another customers order, when she finally approached me I gave her a huge hug, making sure she could tell I was happy to see her.
"I'll have the usual...thanks" I smile and watch her walk away to make my coffee.
The place was barely open seeming as it was seven' o'clock at night, but I didn't care, I'd been coming since Sunday when her first shift started, it was the only time I could see her and make sure she was okay, seeming as all our classes were different.
"How's it been going? Do you think your shifts will be enough to cover the costs you need to pay?" I ask as she hands me the coffee.
"I guess so, Mr C managed to work my shifts around my school schedule so I'm assuming that it will all work out, I hope anyway." She looks away and I can tell she was still struggling with everything that was going on in her mind.
"Have you heard from anyone in your family?" She shakes her head and looks back. She has amazing eyes. But they just look so empty, she'd told me everything on the plane over to Adelaide when we first met... well reconnected.
"Chris messages me now and then and I get the odd message from Bobby, letting me know how Vanessa is going, I don't think I'll be getting anything more than that..." I smile as she leans on the countertop.
"So how's it going here?" I nod and smile, noticing how her eyes lock on to mine naturally.
"Yeah, it's good I guess... You know I do remember you now from when we were young... You look a lot different since we were twelve, obviously," She blushes and looks away.

"Emma." We both look up at the voice interrupting our conversation.
"What, Charlie." So is this the boyfriend?
"Can we talk?"
"You can talk." Emma folds her arms and I smirk, this girl has sass.
"Erm, okay fine. I just heard about what happened over the holidays, I just wanted to check if you are okay?" I feel my brows furrow as I realise that he knows nothing of what's happened to her.
How is this guy even her boyfriend?
"It's nothing." She shrugs.
"Look, I'm sorry, I'll just go, but just so you know I thought I could be nice, but if you can't even be bothered to talk to me, fuck you." I frown as he walks away.
"You okay?" I ask as she walks forward. She sniffs and turns around. Her shoulders shaking. I move towards her and touch her shoulder gently moving around.
"Don't. Please. I'm just being stupid." I sigh, she really keeps it all in.
"You are really not. You can't just pretend it didn't happen, because it did and it was serious. I mean not everybody goes through this stuff and you are so strong, but you're also allowed to be vulnerable too."
"I don't ever cry, I'm sorry. I feel like all I've been doing lately is cry," I shake my head and stroke her hair.
"That dickhead really didn't deserve you. You are so amazing and gorgeous. You are so strong and it's amazing, but you need to cry, you can't keep it in... You alright now?" She nods but still clings onto my shirt.
I knew then, I wanted this girl. She was everything...


So are we going out?
That's all I ask myself. Are we going out now? I was settling in for a night of Seinfeld and homework when Lily and Jack waltz in laughing at something said.
"Well aren't you two the happy couple?"
"Very much so," Lily giggles, looking at Jack. I can tell they're about to start making out, I really hope that isn't why they came in here. I give a cough. "Oh yeah, how were the movies?"
"How were the movies, or how was the movie? Because I have no idea what that movie was about. We spent most of the time trying to throw Maltesers into each other's mouths." They both stare at me for a few seconds.
"Right, well it takes all kinds," Jack says. "We're going to The Coffee House, for dinner. Do you want to come?"
"You can have dinner there? I thought it was for coffee."
"Obviously not, come on, I'm inviting Connor, it'll be like your first public outing as a reunited couple." Oh, I don't know if I like the sound of that, my stomach churns unpleasantly. "You are a reunited couple aren't you?"
"I think so..." How do I not know this? I pull on a jacket and walk out with them. Connors already waiting in the hall. He takes me into his arms, I feel safe, and that gross feeling leaves, why was I stressing out before?
"Hey," He gives me a quick kiss.
"Hi." I smile at him. This was good, a good start, we could never go back to what we had before, we'd fought too much. But this was good.
"Right, shall we go?"

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