32- What Do We Do Now?

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I hear a knock at my door and get up... Daniel?
"Hey Emma, how's the rib's?"
"Alright, I guess, healing pretty well. I just want to hit the gym."
"I bet. Can I come in?" I motion to my bed, figuring he wanted to talk about school work.
"Look, I just really wanted to apologise for my behaviour earlier in the year, I was desperate to prove myself to those guys and I honestly only chose you because you were the only person to say hi to me every day." I focus on his words and find truth in his apology.
"You know it was really shit what you did to me, I was humiliated, but I forgive you. Just don't do that to another girl, please." He nods at me and stares into my eyes, "Is there anything else I can do for you?" 
"Oh, no, sorry." He stands up and goes to walk out of the room, but stops suddenly. "Can I just say something?" 
"Uh, yeah of course."
"I just want you to know that you're pretty amazing, honestly. I've seen everything Natalie and her whole gang has put you through and you've never backed down or broken, it's truly amazing... and I just want you to know, if I had the chance again to bring the most beautiful girl to a party, it would be you." 
I was stunned, Daniel Green just admitted he liked me, did he actually?
"Uh, thanks, Daniel..." I didn't know what to do, what do I say? I think he took my silence as the reason to leave, he closed the door behind him and I slowly laid back onto my bed and laughed. 

About 20 minutes later someone knocked on the door again, interrupting me from my attempt at some homework, I opened the door again to see Charlie.
What's with everybody knocking on my door? I mean I'm flattered at the popularity but people I'm trying to do work for once in my life here!
"Uhh hey, Charlie?" I said it a bit more like a question.
"Hey, Emma... Can we talk?" I nodded reluctantly and let him inside. He sat on my bed and I sat on my desk chair.
"What's up?"
"I broke it off with Natalie"
"Good for you...? Why?"   
"Honestly I need to tell you something." He said scratching the back of his neck. He always did that when he was nervous.
"What's up? Are you okay?" I asked confusion on my face.
"Well, I don't know how to tell you other than she threatened me." What?
"What do you mean, Charlie?" I asked again. Getting irritated.
"She threatened that she would expose all of these secrets about me if I didn't get with her, I freaked out so I kissed her, but it wasn't enough, she kept threatening you and your friends that she'd hurt you and everything, but you got hurt anyway and I just couldn't stand being around her anymore, so I left." I was speechless, what was wrong with this girl?
"So you left me because she threatened you? Why couldn't you have just told me, we could have figured it out! Plus you don't sleep with someone who threatens you, that much you can control." I was slightly angry at him for giving up on us so quickly when times got tough, who knows, if we'd gone to Mr C about this early on, I might not be sitting here with broken ribs and nose today.
"I know, I'm sorry Emma, I got angry and I'm a coward. But it's you..." He said. I frowned in confusion, not getting what he was saying.
"It's me what?"
"It's you I'm still in love with Emz. I left Nat because I'm still in love with you." I sat there not doing anything just shocked by his outburst.
"Oh okay, well that's... Nice?" He nodded and leaned in. I leaned back and stood up from my chair, he followed me and pushed me against the wall., "Alright well I think it's best if you leave now Charlie." I said pushing him out the door.
"Oh come on Emma give me a chance and I won't screw it up this time." He said holding onto the door frame.
"No, I don't think that's a good idea at all, Charlie." 

Ten minutes later, Rhys enters after going out for lunch with his family.
"How was the family outing?" I asked.
"Great." He kissed my forehead.
"Have a busy day?"
"If you only knew." He laughed quietly and I faced him, "Daniel and Charlie decided to visit me."
"I know."
"Wait you know?" He nodded and chuckled.
"The whole school does, your door was open the whole time, I'm proud of you Em" I kissed him back, safe and secure in my happy place.

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