Part 4: The First Battle in a Long Time

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I meet up with Steve, Agent Romanoff, and another man that I haven't met on the runway. I walk up to the three and see Tony too, already in his suit. The unknown man walks up to me and reaches his hand out. "Clint Barton." He says with a smile. "Lauren Hart." I say, shaking his hand. Tony walks up to us as we continue walking towards a jet. "I'll fly ahead and get an eye on Loki." Tony says, before flying away. We walk into a random jet. "Hey, you aren't authorized to be in here!" An agent says, from inside the jet. "Son, just don't." Steve says in his Captain America voice. The agent immediately leaves the jet without another word. Agent Barton and Agent Romanoff take control of the jet. Steve and I stand in the back, silently preparing ourselves for the battle that is to come. "Cap, got eyes on the city." Clint says. "Be careful out there and stay close." Steve says to me. "You too. Don't go and get yourself killed." I respond. "You're the destructive one." He says, making me smirk. "Can't argue with that. It's not my fault you act like an old man." I say with a smirk, making Clint laugh. "I like her." He says to Natasha. Steve just grunts in slight agreement.

"Stark, we're on your three. Headed Northeast." Natasha says. "What? Did you stop for drive-through? Swing up Park. I'm gonna lay em' out for you." Tony instructs. Clint and Natasha continue flying the jet. I make my way to the front of the jet, looking out the window. I see the giant portal, with hundreds of creatures coming out each second. "Holy shit." I mumble to myself. We watch Tony leading a trail of aliens through several buildings. Clint flies the jet in front of them, shooting several of them. He continues shooting at flying creatures. They hover next to the Stark tower, where we see Thor fighting Loki. "Nat?" Clint says. "I see it." She responds. They turn the jet and begin shooting at Loki. Loki looks at the jet and smirks, then shoots a laser at the jet. The jet swerves, but the laser still hits the wing, causing the jet to spiral to the ground. Steve and I grab onto the handles on the roof. Clint continues to control the jet, keeping it from hitting anyone as we hit the ground roughly. Steve and I make our way to the ramp as it opens, Clint and Natasha following. The four of us pick up pace to a run as we continue running into the city. "We have to get back up there." Steve says. We come to a stop and look up at the portal as we hear a loud roar.

A huge whale-like creature flies out of the portal. We watch in awe as the creature flies above our heads, releasing many smaller beasts onto the buildings. "Stark, are you seeing this?" Steve asks. "Seeing, still working on believing. Where's Banner? Has he shown up yet?" Tony asks. "Banner?" Steve questions. "Just keep me posted." Tony responds. The aliens start sliding down the sides of the buildings and attacking us. We respond by fighting back, making sure to kill every one of them. I use my powers, throwing fireballs and sharp icicles, impaling several beasts. Five beasts catch me off guard and surround me. I flick my wrist, and the ground turns to ice, making them all lose their balance and fall to the ground. I pull out my gun and shoot at them, killing every one of them. I them turn my attention to a screaming group of people, being chased by the creatures. I create a wall in front of the people, then lift fallen rubble and bury the beasts underneath it. The four of us group up again, taking cover behind a car. "We've got civilians still trapped up here." Clint says. A flying creature, shooting at cars and buildings catches our attention. I make eye contact with Loki, controlling the flying creature. "Loki." Steve says. Hundreds of cars explode as he flies by, shooting at them. "They're fish in a barrel down there." Steve says. A laser comes towards us, hitting the car right in front of Steve's face. Natasha gets up and shoots at the cause of the laser fire. We stand ready again as a few more beasts land on nearby cars. "We got this. It's good. Go." Natasha says to Steve. He looks at me reluctantly and I nod. "You think you can hold them off?" Steve asks Clint. "Captain, it would be my genuine pleasure." Clint responds, as he stands again and shoots arrows at the beasts. Steve runs past me, gently squeezing my arm before disappearing into the dust and fallen rubble.

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