Friends With Benefits? *Alan Ashby*

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I sat in my bunk impatiently waiting for the bus to stop. I was already dressed for today. the first day of Warped Tour. For our band this is a great accomplishment. I'm 21, graduated from college, and just got signed. I think I'm gonna make it somewhere. I can't believe it. Were actually here. Were gonna do this. I'm going somewhere in life. Finally. 

"Lo come here please!" A voice rang through the bus. I jumped out my bunk and ran to the front of the bus. Jason stood there with my Vans in his hands. He smiled and waved them I grabbed them and slipped them on.

"What?" I asked tying the last lace. 

"Were at the first stop. The bus stopped 10 minutes ago. I was waiting for you to come running off." He laughed. My eyes lit up and I started jumping up and down. He shook his and and chuckled.

"We have a Hot topic hot Minute interview now, so come on." He smiled grabbing my hand. I grabbed my skateboard and followed behind him closely. We passed All Time Low's bus, The Used, Echo Movement, Cherri Bomb. I smiled at everyone. We made it to a little tree with a wooden box around it and sat down. A man and a women were behind the camera.

"Hey okay your here great. Let's start by telling the camera what band your in and your names." She said smiling as she pressed the red button to record.

"Hey I'm Jason."

"I'm Lo, and were 2/5's of Days Off August!" I smiled. 

"Worst fashion trend?"

"Umm....colored hair?" Jason said biting his lip. I slapped his shoulder and he grabbed it in pain. I laughed evilly.

"Guys in booty shorts.... umm. No honey keep that junk in there." I smiled. The interviewers laughed. Jason did too.

"Worst injury?"

"I dislocated my pinkie one time playing my guitar..." Jason laughed.

"I broke my ankle walking up stairs in 8 inch heels.... at a party at college." I smiled.

"8 inch heels?! Your kidding?" The interviewer gasped. I shook my head.

"I was a sexy cat for Halloween.... I needed heels...." I giggled.

"Okay, Guilty pleasures?"

"Porn..." Jason smiled. I shook me head and laughed.

"Umm..... pink eye shadow..." 

"Any celebrity crushes?" 

"ADAM LAMBERT!" Jason cheered. I face palmed.

"I'm sorry, he's gay."

"Your gay?" The interviewer asked. He nodded.

"Okay.. umm. Who's hot? Ohhh!! fuck what's his name...?" I questioned toward Jason.

"Alan Ashby?" He questioned.

"Yes!! Him... Ohh god. Yum....." I said picturing him in my mind. The interviewer laughed.

"Weapon to fight zombies?" 

"My Glock or 45..... shot gun?" I smiled.

"You own a Glock?" Jason questioned laughing a bit. I nodded.

"Yes, every girl needs a gun..."

"I second that!!" The girl interviewer cheered. I high-fived her. Jason shook his head a chuckled.

"Favorite tattoo?"

I stood up and took off my shirt. I had my bandeau on. I pointed at my Peacock tattoo on my stomach. Took hours and it's gorgeous. The interviewers 'awhhed' in responce. I sat back down and kept my shirt off. 

Friends With Benefits? *Alan Ashby*Where stories live. Discover now