Screw You Fuentes!

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It's too early for this shit. It's 9:30, I'm in a bikini and Toms. My hair is up with a bandanna and I got my Avaitor's on. I'm so ready to get wolf-whistled at and touched today! Oh god, I regret agreeing with Mike. I sighed and flopped down on the couch. Fuck this shit... I wish I went to that party. I was up all night drawing designs for my clothing line coming out. 

I stood up, took a deep breath and left the bus for sound check. As soon as I left the bus everyone started staring. I smiled and walked to my destination. Levi, Mike, Vic, and Jaime whistled. I sighed. Don't look at them.

"Yo Lo!" 

Fuckkk. I stopped and turned around to face them. Their eyes got huge as they stopped dead int heir tracks. I put my hands on my hips and cocked my head to the right. They just stood there. 

"Fuck..." Levi mumbled.

"I know.." Vic smirked.

"What guys? I have sound check now.." I spat with anger hinting n very word. They looked at each other and started laughing. 

"I knew you wouldn't go tot he party last night!" Mike laughed. I narrowed my eyes toward him.

"You knew I had work didn't you?" I questioned throwing my head back and sighing. They started laughing. I picked up my head and glared at them. 

"Ya'll are pervs!" I spat in complete anger. They all stopped laughing and looked at me.

"I am not going to have to deal with ya'll all fucking tour?! I am so fucking close to punching one of ya'll in the face... Just.. fuck off.." I yelled using every little bit of will power I had left. They all went pale. Like ghost white pale.

"I'm sorry Lo.. I-"

"Screw you Fuentes!" I spat and walked off. Like what the actual fuck? Are they crazy. I'm not going to deal with these asshole's all tour. I'm a woman and shouldn't be fucked with. I can kick their ass if I needed to, but I won't. Okay. I need a idea. How about I give them the silent treatment? Yeah! I'll do that! It will work out perfectly. I made it to the stage where my band was. They all looked at me and went pale.

"We heard you yelling at them, Lo." Jason muttered. I glared at him and grabbed my mic. I clicked my fingers and everyone got ready for sound check. They all scrambled to their places. Matty started playing the track and I looked down and closed my eyes to get ready. 

"Take me, I'm alive
Never was a girl with a wicked mind
But everything looks better
When the sun goes down

I had everything
Opportunities for eternity
And I could belong to the night

Your eyes, your eyes
I can see in your eyes, your eyes.."

Then I saw those eyes. The eyes that ruined my life. The ones that made me write this song. Andrew Whiting. The guitarist of Attack Attack!. The guy I dated for 5 years, then found out he cheated on me for 3 years of the relationship. The song I'm singing now is about him.

Oh my god is he attractive now. What happened? He totally changed. No more long hair. It's incredibly sexy now. He's amazing looking. Why?! Why world why?!  He lost weight. Wow. I still look ugly as fuck.

He started walking toward our band with his band. I'm going to cry. I still love him and all that shit that happen between us. WHY?!

I finished the song and took a deep breath.  I'm only in a bikini. Facing my ex and his band. Not helping. He smirked that sexy smirk of his. STOP ANDREW STOP!

"Hey Lo.." He smiled. His band looked at him like he was nuts.

"Hey Andy.." I mumbled.

"Loni! That's you?!" Tyler gasped.

"Yeah, hey guys. Long time no see..." I stuttered. FUCK! I'm so nervous.

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" Weztel yelled.

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"Yo're fucking hotter than usual." He laughed.

"Uhh thanks.."

"LO!" I heard someone scream in the distance. I turned to see Austin. Thank god.

"Austin!!" I smiled and hugged him.

"You lost the bet?" He laughed.

"Uhh no. They knew I was going to lose it the whole time... assholes." I muttered, he laughed.

"Why don't you just changed?" He questioned laughing a bit.

"I have a body, why not flaunt it?" I smiled. He started laughing. I shot him a glare and he raised his hands in surrender. I laughed and pushed his shoulder. He laughed and turned toward the guys.

"Hey Austin. long time no see.." Weztel smiled. Austin looked at me with a look of anger painted on his features. He turned back toward them.

"Hey Andrew.. guys.." He smiled a fake smile. 

"How have you been?" Whiting asked as I felt a pair of arms wrap around my torso. I looked down and saw tattoos I knew. The person rested their head on my shoulder and sighed. I smiled. Alan. How cute.. but why?

"Ehh good. just loving life to the fullest with Alan and his girl" He said smiling. He knew. Alan knew. They new I dated Tyler. I met Austin years ago, when he was in Attack Attack! I thought he was a cute dorky guy. But he knew why I shuddered around Tyler when he stretched or raised his hand to get something. 

"So Ashby huh?" Weztel asked. I looked at Alan and he smiled proudly and nodded.

"Yeah, 6 months. Amazing 6 months at that.." He smiled at me. Thank you Alan Ashby, remind me to repay him later.. (HINT..HINT...HINNNNNNNNNT c;) 

"Wow. I never guessed.." Tyler mumbled. ASSHOLE. Be happy for my fake relationship, douche..

"Well yeah.. I love him to death.." I smiled. Alan flipped me around and dipped me down. He moved in and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he moved the pace up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he stood up straight and walked back to the stairs to leave. I waved toward them and I also heard Austin say a quick goodbye and follow behind.

Alan made it down the steps and walked down behind a empty bus, where no one can find us. I pulled back as he pressed my back against the bus. He smirked as he kissed me again. following my jawline and leaving love bites down his path. He started kissing my neck. Biting, sucking, and kissing. I tried to contain my moans but I just had to let one out, I was about to let it out then he squeezed my thighs as a sign to contain myself. I squeaked instead. He traveled back up to my mouth and slipped his tongue into my mouth. 

We wrestled til he won for dominance. He pulled back and set me down. I just looked at him with complete shock in my eyes. I opened my mouth to talk, but he shushed me.

"I'm -I'm sorry. I just had to.." he pleaded. I shook my head.

"I don't really mind you kissing me, thank you for saving my ass back there though. I owe you one.."

"Make this that one?" He questioned.

"Make what?"

"I'll make you deal, I'll save you're ass for the rest of tour if you become my friend with benefits.. well my gorgeous friend with benefits." He laughed.

"All tour?" I asked. He nodded. 

"Deal.. I can get used to this.." I smiled. His smile grew wider as he picked me up and spun me around. I laughed as he set me back down. He looked at me and held out his hand. I took it gladly. This is going to be a fun deal..  

Friends With Benefits? *Alan Ashby*Where stories live. Discover now