chapter 11

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(pretty sure this is how some of steven's birthday go cause of amethyst ☝)

no one povs:

"you can do it" Steven encourage peridot to go to the monster, defect have her a thumbs up, peridot goes up and the monster look at her, peridot squints her eyes angrily "ugh..i can't take this dirty tongue flapper seriously" Steven showed up and whisper "think like a monster" peridot crouch down a little and start taking her tongue like a frog "blah! blah!" the corrupted gem smile and peridot start jumping to it and taking their tongues/tongue out meanwhile defect and Steven think that this is cute "aww"

while the monster is distracted peridot kick it and chuckles "nyehehehehe" the monster start attacking her again, defect and Steven gasp and goes to them "it's ok we don't wanna fight! just let peridot bubble you! we can all get alon-AHhh" the mon...

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while the monster is distracted peridot kick it and chuckles "nyehehehehe" the monster start attacking her again, defect and Steven gasp and goes to them "it's ok we don't wanna fight! just let peridot bubble you! we can all get alon-AHhh" the monster hit Steven and form the bubble making him blast away "steven!?" defect shout in shock, the monster push peridot away making her held on the corrupted gem's leg and defect jump on the monster angrily, the monster start running "hold still will you!? things would be easier if you just let us poof you!!" defect yells out, the monster flaps it tongues to defects cheek

while the monster is distracted peridot kick it and chuckles "nyehehehehe" the monster start attacking her again, defect and Steven gasp and goes to them "it's ok we don't wanna fight! just let peridot bubble you! we can all get alon-AHhh" the mon...

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"gross!" defect look disgusted, peridot scream and the monster runs upside down making defect let go and peridot goes up to it's gem, defect stands up and run up to them again along with Steven, both peridot and the monster is at the cliff going to fall "nononono!" Steven keep repeating it and defect gasp in terror "p-peridot stop! you're gonna fall!" defect warns her "give me..that gem!" peridot start pulling the gem and both fall off "peridot!" Steven and defect screams and look at the edge as both fall down to the ground with a "poof" both Steve and defect gasp at this, Steven carries defect and float down, peridot struggles to get out of a hole with the gem so defect had to help her up, grabbing her hand and pull making peridot lay on the down and panting "I did it" peridot muffles, both sigh in relief, Steven chuckles and lift her up to stand, garnet shows up "huh? hey! you're back"

"ehh we never left" said garnet and and point her thumb behind her, amethyst shows up with pearl behind a huge rock "we knew it would be funny" amethyst said and garnet shows her third eye only "future vision" peridot look at them "y-you were all watching this whole time?" peridot blush a little

defect run to garnet and hug her leg, garnet carries her and chuckles 'aww look her' sapphire said in garnet's mind 'should we adopt her?' ruby question sapphire 'hmm...maybe' sapphire smiles, peridot look at the gem "I told you I can do it, but I gotta admit it was more difficult then expected, this corrupted gem is truly an adversary worthy of my skill" just then a green bubble appears, all of them look at her surprise "woah...peridot"

"nice bubble peri" amethyst praise her for the bubble and all of them walk to her "w-what do I do with it?" peridot look unsure "send it off" peridot look at garnet confuse and look at Steven "just tap the top" Steven did a motion and peridot copies him and tap the top making the bubbled gem disappear "happy trails" Steven wave goodbye, peridot stares up at the sky along with defect who is still carries by garnet "so where did it go?" defect questions
"home" Steven put both his hands to his chest

🌌to the barn🌌

it shows lapis reading a book and the bubble pop up a second ago.

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