chapter 19

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defect ruby pov:

i was staring at steven wearing what it seem to be called a 'bald cap', right now we're just waiting for connie to arrive

no one pov:

connie knock on the front door where steven answered it, he lean on the door with a smile "lovely day isn't it?" his 'bald' head gives out a shine, connie just walk past steven "i guess" it look like she have a lot of things in mind, defect greets connie who greet her back "you know uh, my dad told me i should probably expect this at some point, but i didn't think it would happen overnight" connie didn't seem to be listening as she took out some items out of her bag(and a bag of chips for defect) "right, yeah" defect grab the plastic bag and open it, quickly munching on the potato vhips before amethsyt steals it from her, everything went silen for 4 second until steven yells out "connie i'm bald!"

"oh...what happen?" he sigh in defeat ans he pull the bald cap off "nothing, ut was just a joke.." defect look at connie with concern laced in her voice "connie are you okay? you've been awfully quiet today" steven agrees with defect until the warp pad is activated "steven, connie i hope you two are reader for today's special lesson!" connie stop on her track and turn to the taller gems "oh no, wad i suppised to bring something?"

"just yourselves" said garnet, defect finishes her bag and jump up to her mother's arms like a cat "garnet and defect is going to sit, she's very excited to see you fight as stevonnie" defect look at everyone with a confuse face "wait, who's stevonnie??" pearl jump at her question and quickly turn to her "oh right! i forgot to tell you, stevonnie is a fusion of steven and connie!" defect's eyes wide and look at the gwo humans "connie you can fuse?!" connie chuckle at her "i mean steven is half human so it's likely possible"

"i made a sign, wooop" garnet out out the sign with steven and connie's  name on it "this side is for both of you, and this side is for stevonnie, it's two signs in one, a fusion sign" garnet's smile wide at the two while feeling proud, steven laugh at what garnet said, quickly catching up to what sheean "fusion joke" steven nudge connie who laugh weakly.

(i am so sorry for not updating sooner! i've been keeping up with my other books i almost forgot,

429 words)

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