Lisa x reader

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You finally managed to get back to Mondstadt. Last few weeks were very hard for you, and you had a lot to take in. Which made you unable to travel to your favourite city. But you finally made it, with your loyal companion at your side (doesn't have to be paimon specifically, can be a pet or other companion) you made it. They helped you travel the long distance greatly, both physically and mentally. Even so it wasn't easy all the way through, with the state you were in.

The reason was that someone close to you hurt you (Abuse, Death, cheater, one of those) and it broke you to a point. You grew quite depressed over the few weeks that you spent at your Town for the eve/Family gathering. Now you were at the gates of Mondstadt with a sad smile, you didn't really bother hiding it. Some people that remembered you greeted while others moved on with their day. Not that you cared. After spending half of the day with the others, like helping out Amber on a commission or getting a drink with Venti at Diluc's place you went for your most needed place to be, the library. When you traveled here for a few months to be you always met Lisa at the library, either it was work related or not. You always spent a lot of time with the librarian, drinking tea or helping out in the library. Today you didn't really want her to see you, not the state you were in at least, so you took a book from your favourite genre and went for a less busy table, with your partner (if it's a pet) resting close to you and started reading. A lot of hours passed while you read, ignoring the time till you ended the book. You didn't know what to feel after that, or to even feel anyway. Everything was just blank. A white page with unlimited space, to be filled or not.

You sighed.

"Y/n?" You heard a familiar voice glanced towards it.

"Hey Lisa." You smiled.

"You're finally back." She returned the smile.

"Of course, where would i be?" You stood up from your seat and went in her direction.

"Probably home." You giggled.

"Hm? What's so funny?" She asked, looking at you.

"Nothing, it's just that, my home is here, nowhere else." You looked into each others eyes and kissed. It was passionate and full of love at first, but then it grew heated and needy from Lisa's side. You were surprised at that, but let it be. She pushed you into the table, sliding her knee between your legs and brushing against your private parts, earning a moan from you.

"Ah- we're in the library-"

"You sat there till closing time, so don't worry cutie~" She whispered into your ear making you shiver in delight.

"You waited?!" you we're shocked.

"For 4 hours to be exact. Was the book so enchanting~ Hmmm~?" you stared at her in disbelief. She giggled.

"Now, shall we get back to it~..?" She asked placing her hand on your thigh and sliding it slowly up and down, caressing it.


"Ah~? That'll be what you'll be screaming next to my name~" That killed you. You just wanted her to dominate you by now.

You tried to hide that embarrassment with your hands but before you could she kissed you and you fuckin melted into it, not even bothering to fight it.

And she very much dominated it.

The way her tongue swirled around yours made you wetter by the second and carving her between your legs. You needed a breather for a minute while she marked you with tender kisses on your neck or slight bites that gave you little soft jolts. Little mewls and gasps escaped you, satisfying some need for your scream. She touched your untouched (probably not✨) part through your panties and you felt blessed. Soon enough she got bored of that and truly touched your area which made you jump.

"My, my~ Want to jump so much~?" She whispered that into your ear and touched you more. She slid one finger into you with great ease.

"So wet~. Do you need me this much~?" She continued whispering some dirty talk which made you hornier and moan. She added another finger and your moans and cries got louder. Her speed and intensity went up a notch and you were getting close to your limit. Going louder and wanting more by the time you reached it you were laying on the table holding Lisa for dear life while you went off your high. Panting and slowly regaining sight you tried to get up to continue but your arms slightly gave off and you barely and wobbly got back to a somewhat sitting position. You were very tired from your journey and it was pretty late already. She helped you rest by laying you down on her bed (i mentioned a secret room that is in the library that Lisa made her overwork resting place because there are some doors on the lower level @-@) and getting you to sleep. Even though you protested against it your tiredness still won in the end. So you ended up snuggling with Lisa :3

Plus after you wake up you're not really able to walk without being clumsy and wobbly so you spent the whole day in the library with Lisa :D

And you were pissed at her because you couldn't walk. But she's your waifu uwu

928 words


I'm sooo sorry it took me soooo long to finally update BUT I DIDN'T ABANDON THIS! YAAYY!!  I was really going through some fucked up and shitty times last few months and i couldn't really focus on anything in particular like writing, art, sometimes even reading, damn ಠ_ಠ

But im back! kind of at least. I'll still not update on a weekly basis because I don't have the time and strength i had in winter break (where i started this book) but I'll probably update more often than a few months lmao

so requests will be closed for a looonger period while I'll try to chew down some of the most interesting ideas to me!

Mind you that my tastes differ quite often so if i said that i might do one a month or two ago it's the old me saying i like it and it might've not make it through or update it in a veryyy far future. please don't be mad at me for this because i like to write what i like to write and if I don't enjoy it it just turns out... eh. i guess.

So sometimes i can be a Dominant person (resulting in a lot of Dominant characters or the Y/N to be Top ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

or want a soft fluffy baby like Xiangling or those who deserve luv :3

Anyway, Hope you enjoyed!

sorry for any grammar or spelling errors, it's midnight and i wanna sleep

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