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A new day arrived, no different than the previous one's, Kakyoin was sitting in the same spot, but this time he felt much better, refreshed, rested, ready to take his breakfast.

Once he heard Jotaro's voice, his focus immediately shifted to the cabin door, until he could see him coming outside.

After last night, he couldn't stop wondering if Jotaro really knew about him.

Once Jotaro walked out, the first thing he did was throwing a small smirk towards Kakyoin, and asking how his sleep went.

To this kind actions, Joseph poped out of the cabin as well, silently and a bit nervously looking at his grandson, and then at awake kakyoin.

"So uhh... You two been forming a friendship recently huh, " Polnareff noticed and walked out as well, starring at Kakyoin directly.

"Yeah...He ain't bad as all of you thought" Jotaro defended.

Kakyoin stood up , washed his hands with a sea water, and expanded it to see if they will give him a handshake. "Misunderstandings happen, and im acting a bit suspicious as well , but lets try greeting each other properly.." He stood motionless in front of them 3, waiting for a handshake.

Polnareff was hesitant but Joseph, despite feeling the same, stepped forward, and took Kakyoins hand for a really strong and confident handshake.

"Even though we can't see your face, you do sound and feel like a kind man" Joseph smiled, after taking a really strong squeeze from Kakyoin.

Kakyoin let out a silent chuckle "Im glad you think so Jo-- sir" he almost ruined everything by blurting his name out loud, luckily he stopped on time. The thing is, he knew names of everyone here, but saying them so carelessly, could leave a serious consequences.

Joseph kept silent for a few seconds, testing Kakyoin for a bit, once he confirmed Kakyoins confusion he decided to properly introduce himself.

"The name's Joseph Joestar, my last name might be familiar to you since you lived under Dio's roof, hopefully you ain't going after us haha"

Awkard laugh escaped from Kakyoin "Im not haha....But yeah it's familiar to me, since I've been with him..." Kakyoin scanned the area before answering "Since i was 6..."

He lowered his voice just in case there is someone eavesdropping.

Jotaro Flinched , that last sentence caught his attention.

"since i was 6...."
Those words echoed in his head, dragging him all the way back to his elementary school memories, when he met the boy with the exact same name "Noriaki Kakyoin" a beautiful adorable red head boy with a good heart but trouble to make friends due to his stubbornness...Jotaro and Noriaki were such a good friends back in the day, it was the first time Jotaro as a child felt some type of way towards a boy , it was more than friendship.

He missed him so much, he hoped, that this Noriaki was the same one that left him without a proper goodbye, 12 years ago.

Tonight might be the night, where he confirms his suspicion and conclusion.

After a conversation between the 3 men, Avdol and Polnareff, as well as Iggy decided to greet Kakyoin, who felt more than happy to finally be a knowledged by the whole crew. Now his traveling became much easier.

Although he still had to keep his face hidden, until they pass the next border.

"Ahh so that's why you need to hide... Because you were so precious to that british vampire, you suspect that his followers are still somewhere around these areas...Gotchu....Why haven't you told us that earlier?" Polnareff curiously scratched his chin.

Kakyoin replied keeping his voice silent "To be honest i don't trust anyone fully, especially not the SPW agents, no matter how trustworthy they are to y'all"

Avdol and Joseph nodded , silently agreeing with his suspicions.

"Well you can trust us buddy" Polnareff slapped Kakyoin on the back really hard, almost taking his hoodie off.

Kakyoin didn't mind the strong back pat, but revealing his identity was still risky, he grabbed the hoodie before it slid down.

Though...Jotaro caught a glimpse of a red hair, before it was quickly pulled back up.

His confirmation grew even stronger now, but he couldn't be 100 percent sure yet, that it was "That" Noriaki Kakyoin he remembered.

Once the guards were dropped, the crew welcomed Kakyoin to Walk freely around the boat and use resources, it was now wayyyy better for Kakyoin to tracel, besides he promised he will help with anything if the rest need help.

Finally he could strech his legs a bit and walk around, viewing all the sides of the sea, fascinated by the shine, the sea surface was giving.

Unfortunately , the cabin wasn't big enough for one extra person, so they apologized to Kakyoin for not being able to take him in. Although Kak didn't mind , he said that sleeping outside was his favorite, fresh air, clear sky, and silence filled with the hum of Waves, pure joy for him , and a good reason to sleep outside.

Jotaro liked his way of thinking about the sea.


And thus, the whole day passed , Kakyoin had fun helping around, and joining crusaders to the lunch and dinner, to a very interesting chit chat themes, from every day life, to adventures.

Once he was off to his sleeping bag, he was feeling very full filed after that day, he made new friends that understood him, had the same ability, and went through a lot. He even noticed Jotaro's constant starring at him, but it didn't bothered him, he knew that Jotaro desperately wanted to know who he was.


The captain cabin was all the way to the other side, and Kakyoin didn't feel like sleeping, after all that euphoria from today.

He sat up and carefully looked around. Making sure that the agents weren't watching him, he wanted to take the hoodie off for a few minutes , so his hair could get some fresh air as well, and to comb it a little bit, since it started getting greasy and messy.

He stood up, walked all the way to the darkest spot on a boat and slid his hoodie down, finally properly taking a fresh air.

His red hair flowing in the small wind, while he enjoyed the view of the night sky and sea.


Jotaro couldn't sleep as well. Once he heard footsteps outside , he knew Kakyoin was still awake, and he had to confirm his theory.

So he slowly stood up, threw on his Jacket, and hat, and sneakingly went out... Slowly closing a slightly creaking doors, and once he turned around too see where Kakyoin went, he caught him standing all the way to the back of the boat starring at the distance.

With his hoodie off. Completely revealing his red hair.

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