Lakeside Talk (Chapter - 1)

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Someone whispered from the outside of her window. She slowly put her hand into the blanket and took the knife, holding it tightly around the hilt, that didn't sound like the girl, she thought to herself.

'Kendra' again someone called her name.

With fear she lifted the blanket from her face and looked towards the window, a man stood there. It took her some time to recognize her father's face in the dark. Getting the cue she jumped out of the window to walk with her father to the lake.

"I couldn't sleep, thought you might be up too," He told.

"It's horrible at the camp, isn't it?" She asked as they started walking towards the lake. She couldn't stop thinking about the training camp, everyone keeps on telling her how awful it is.

"Depends on your mentor, Ken, I had an old man who used to call us early in the morning to practice target, thanks to him I can kill any prey even with both my eyes closed" Her father said.

They walked in silence for some time. Slowly, taking the knife from her sleeve, Kendra started playing with it, a new habit she found.

"Whose knife is that?" Her father asked, looking at the knife's golden hilt shining in the moonlight.

"Granny gave it to me as a parting gift," She said as she looked around, taking in the scenery she was going to miss at her training camp.

Her father took the knife from her and examined the golden hilt and its pitch-black blade which looked more like a dragon's skin

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Her father took the knife from her and examined the golden hilt and its pitch-black blade which looked more like a dragon's skin.

"Your lucky Ken" Her father continued "this knife was meant for your aunt. It was given to your great-great-grandfather by the Head of the Mesyrion Clan and is handed down generation by generation as a remembrance on how our ancestors saved both the clans, the blood that was shed at the war and as a token of thanks for the peace that followed after the war" Her father said with a twinkle in his eye as he sat down in the green grass next to the lake.

"When are we leaving tomorrow dad?" She asked, faking a yawn, tired of hearing the same story a hundred times.

"When the third dragon appears, all the carriages will leave, yours would be the first" Mr Wulfric said smiling.

She stared at the lake, thinking about everything she was going to miss. Her family, her only best friend, her granny, the potions, the magic, the books and swords. All of it seemed to happen yesterday. She had to lose all of this to become a huntswoman, something she has dreamed of for years and now it didn't look all so glamorous to her.

Slowly she sat down next to her father, breaking a few twigs in the process.

A movement caught her eye, her hand moved towards her knife which laid beside her father.

"What's wrong?" Her father asked scanning the surroundings for any possible threats.

"I saw something move," she said looking around.

"It's the lake, animals will be around" Her father said.

"GRRRRRRR" the reply came, scaring the life out of them. There was a dragon nearby. They sat still and alert, not even moving an inch, hoping that the beast had not seen them yet.

Suddenly something huge moved towards her father. He rolled sideways, taking out his sword and stabbed the animal in its right eye in an incredible speed and expertise. The huge head of the dragon pushed Kendra in the side. Her hand hit a rock, narrowly missing her head. Pain ran through her hand, making its way towards her head, it took her all her might not to cry out loud. She sat there scared and unable to move.

Luckily the dragon seemed to not have a good sight at night. Unfortunately, the stab in the eye just made the dragon angrier, with its long neck it looked more like a huge snake but the similarities ended there. With four limbs, long teeth the jet blue dragon camouflaged just well in the night.

With blood dripping from one of its eye sockets, the monster lifted its long neck and looked around for anything that moved, preferably the man who poked it in its eye. A cold feeling started passing towards her hand, making her want to believe her father was safe. She decided to sit upright to get a better view of what the dragon was doing, in fact not knowing where the dragon was scared her more.

She slowly moved her leg and forced her body up, praying that nothing would go wrong. Gently putting her other hand on a rock, she lifted the upper half of her body at a straight position but instantly regretted it as her hand slipped the rock, giving her a new cut, this time however a small scream escaped from her mouth and the dragon's huge eyes looked directly at her.

The dragon roared in joy as he opened his head to eat her up on the whole. She closed her eyes in fear as the stingy smell of its mouth got near. She always dreamed of becoming a huntress and dying an honorable death but never expected to die with both her hands injured and by a dragon that had never washed its mouth in a lifetime. She thought about her entire life and how she wasn't able to spend it by enjoying it. Something fell on her shoulder, heavy and stingy. Another drop fell on her leg and she slowly opened her eyes. All she could see was the insides of the dragon's mouth, a view that will hunt her for a lifetime.

Suddenly the dragon's head fell down into the lake, splashing water all over and making her wet.

'Father' she half screamed-whispered. Her father was standing there holding his sword covered in blood which a minute ago stabbed the dragon from the side. 'Father' She again screamed. He came back to his senses, looked at her, his eyes filled with worry. He stumbled and fell as he tried to reach over her. He half crawled-dragged himself towards her.

'Father' she said, filled with worry and tears.

'Hey K,'

He then started looking at her from her legs to head. He noticed her hand, looked at it and then at her. 'I think I broke my arm,' She confessed, looking at her father's eyes, which were filled with lots of emotions. He smiled at her sympathetically and got up without falling this time and took his sword, slowly picked her up and he started waking. She leaned on his chest, tired "I am just going to close my eyes for a while" she said as she started drifting of to sleep.

Photo credits:

1. Forest: by TemperateSage in pixabay

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