Carlos detention

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Rosa: welcome to detention
Carlos: this stupid
Rosa: Listen you bald headed freak your in detention And your going write I will not say the n slur
Carlos: make me n-word
Tyler: * crucio* racist fuck !!
Carlos: *begins to feel spikes of pain*
Rosa: stop it Tyler!!
Tyler: my family struggled with this for years and this white cracker is ruining everything
(Tyler who was a gryffindor 6th year had got lots of racism before moving to the uk)
Jacobe: Tyler yo stop
Tyler: *release the spell*
Tyler: I am sorry
Hugo: it's ok Carlos is being sent away to a special school
Carlos: yay
Vix: it's probably Azkaban
Carlos: don't sent to Azkaban I am too sexy
Rosa: Carlos write now
Carlos; *writes* everyone smell like butt
Rosa: I am going beat him !!
Hugo: Carlos come on ur going to special class
Carlos: yeah Carlos going to special class
Carlos head to a special room
Draco: welcome to stupid 101 your here cause ur Carlos
Carlos: yes sir
Draco: Carlos why do you think saying slurs is ok
Carlos: cause mommy said
Hours ago by
Draco: *run out of the class* I can't deal with this kid I am going kill myself
Meanwhile with the kids
Jacobe: next is Transfiguration I can't wait
Oliver: transfiguration class is next I am going learn how make sex toys
Sabrina; that's not the class but sure
Kylie: ur weird
Vix: that's not the right class
Oliver: well fuck
Selena: *look at jacobe* what a hunky man
Jacobe: *talking to Oliver *
Oliver: your girlfriend madly in love with u
Jacobe: yeah she is amazing
Vix: well let's get ready for class
Luna  star: : morning class I am Luna star yes my mother is Luna lovegood I am your transfiguration teacher today cause hermione is out
Jacobe: hermione!!!
Selena:*goans* hermione !!!
Vix: relax girl she like 60 year old
Selena; but she pretty and Jacobe loves her
Vix: don't worry
Jacobe: she is so sexy
Selena: I agree
Albert: yeah Hermione is mommy material
(During transfiguration)
Carlos: *finally in class* transgender class
Jacobe: it's transfiguration
Carlos: transgender
Tyler: this cracker
Carlos: sorry Tyler
Tyler: big n-word balls actually
Carlos: that's ur name that's gay
Marsia: *turns glasses into chicken
Marisa *yummy* Eat chicken turn into glass
Marsia: I am bleeding my mouth hurts !!!
Jacobe: yeah every month
Lexie: jacobe that's not funny
Sabrina: no it's not
Jacobe: yah it is
*The class eruptes into laughter*
Olivia: today you will turn this cup into a plant
Jacobe; *wave wand* *doesn't work*
Selena: *wave wand* *turn cup into a heart* for you babe my heart
Jacobe: awe ur so cute
Vix: that's super cute
Jacobe; *turn into a rose* cause ur my rose
Vix: everyone being cute
Selena: ur so cute
Oliver: that's amazing *wave wand* *makes a really ugly penis* I made a penis !
Jacobe; that looks like Carlos penis
Carlos: my penis has a bend
Albert: that's not good
Carlos: it's normal in the Roman family
Jacobe: we still have potion and charms and tomorrow morning is flying lessons
Selena: we should got to the hog head for dinner
Oliver: sure
Olivia: transfiguration is important cause it a lot you to change things into to items that are useful
Olivia; being able to transform items can get you out of situations like changing keys into wallets and your able to hide stuff
Olivia; everyone will need to turn this plant into Something you write with
Jacobe: *wave hand* *does nothing* man this is hard
Selena: *wave wand*
The plant turns into a pen
Selena: I got it
Albert: *wave wand* I think I got it
The plant turns into a broken pencil
Olivia: it takes practice
Jacobe: *wave wand*
Plant turns into a pencil
Jacobe: I got it
Carlos: *wave wand* the plant turns into a iPad
Carlos: video chat !!
Olivia:I can't believe Carlos got it first try
The class goes on
Olivia: remember everyone potions class is at 12pm now
Everyone leave the class
Cj: what are we going do
Jacobe: I don't know
Selena: *kiss jacobe on the cheek*
Jacobe: what was that for
Selena: do you not know what today is
Jacobe: Wednesday
Selena: *starts to get angry* jacobe are you serious
Sabrina: oh no
Jacobe: it's a normal Wednesday
Selena: you idiot it's our 2 month anniversary!!!
Jacobe: oh fuck
Vix: you forgot the anniversary that's not good
Selena: *run away crying*
Jacobe: Selena I am sorry
Carlos run out of a room naked
Draco: Carlos you have detention for shitting in the caldron
Carlos: you will never take me alive
Carlos push Selena
Selana falls off the railing
Jacobe: babe !!! * levious*
The spell fires
Selena Levitates in the middle of the stairway
Selena: guys help me !!!
Kylie: holy shit do something
Jacobe: just relax Selena
Selena: I don't want die !!!
Carlos: *keep running*
Draco: *petriucus totalus*
Carlos freeze and drops to the ground
Jacobe: Selena you need breathe
Selena: I am going kill him
Jacobe: * Glacius*
A ice bridge is made
Selena: *drop down*
Jacobe: walk slowly toward me
Selena walks slowly towards jacobe
The ice breaks
Jacobe: *grab her*
Jacobe holds his girlfriend
Jacobe: do you forgive me
Selena: *blush* ur forgiven
Vix: that's was the cutest thing ever
*Carlos frozen*
Jacobe: At least ur ok
Selena: I am ok now
Oliver: Selena did you pee ?
Selena: *see it* *run away*
Jacobe: we have flying classes tomorrow
In potions class
Draco: everyone I want talk about final exams for this year
Jacobe: isn't it to early
Draco: well basically all exams will be done with me as ur main teacher
Jacobe: that's good
Draco: so charms potions and flying stuff with be ur exams and also defence against the darks arts all the exams will be done with me
Selena: are the exams easy
Draco: If you know everything you will be fine
Carlos: pencils fart
Draco: but you guys do have a potions assignment today so good luck
Jacobe; wait what
Draco: it's a simple assignment make a potion of ur own out of these categories
Jacobe: that's seems easy
Draco: a new type of healing type of cure
Anything that can change ur appearance attributes or abilities. Or a simple melting potion
Jacobe: what's a melting potion
Draco: good question a melting potion is a potion used to remove things like metal rock wood and things that can trap you. Good luck
The kids are sent off to make there potions
Selena: what potions are you guys making
Vix: I am making a healing potion
Selena: love potion
The kids example there potions
Jacobe: I am going make a potion of life
Jacobe begins looking through his textbook for ingredients
Selena: *throw love root* that's works
The kids work on there potions until class is over
Draco: Class is over your project will be safe in the cold room
Draco head out into the city
Draco: what a perfect day
Shapey: ahhhhh
Orel: go get me crack
Shapey: ahhhh
Clay: aright *takes a cyanide pill*
Clay lays dead
Draco: oh my whatever *goes back to the school*
The Students begin there projects to a safe place
Jacobe: *walk out of class* well no more class today
Steven walks by staring at jacobe
Jacobe: what you want
Steven: nothing mudblood lover just looking at my prize
Jacobe: who you looking at
Steven: Selena
Jacobe: that's my girlfriend ur talking about back off
Steven: she is a pure blood she shouldn't be hanging out with these half breeds and mudbloods
Selena: Steven just cause we were friends before hogwarts doesn't mean it's going happen ur a jerk
Steven: well I know I am perfect *walk away*
Jacobe: he makes my blood boil
Selena: don't let him make you mad
Oliver: there no point he's a ass
Albert: he will get what he deserves
Jacobe: let's go watch the quidditch game there one
The kids head to the pitch
Announcer: ladies and gentlemen welcome to the first game of the quidditch season today we have hufflepuff and ravenclaw battling it out for the first
Cj: do you think we will be able to be part of the team
Jacobe: one day
The game begins
The players fly out
Announcer: for team Hufflepuff we have Clark our seeker
Clark flies out
Clark: it's time to do this boys !!!
Announcer: the two chase our year 7 Bruce and Richard
Bruce and Richard fly to the pitch
Announcer: the beaters Diana and Hal jordon !!!
The crowded goes wild
Announcer: last but not least the goalie Tim !!! Drake
Hufflepuff team flies to the circle
Announcer: for ravenclaw we have the smartest student in year 7 tony stark !! As our chaser and following him is Steve Rogers the chaser for the USA national quidditch team !!
In the stands
Jacobe: yo that's crazy
Albert: is this a school match ?
Vix: I think so
Announcer: yes ladies and gentlemen this actually the last match for this student it uk they head to team USA and team Canada to play in the World Cup
Announcer: now the seeker we have peter Parker !!! And the beaters Bruce banner and Thomas lighting !! And last but not least the ravenclaw goalie wade Wilson The teams will be playing this game and then will be heading to there new school let's play !!
The teams go to the middle
Tony: can't believe we will be going to play in the World Cup
wade: let's win
The ball fires up
Clark speed toward the ball catching it
Steve trails behind
Clark: Bruce !!!
Bruce flies by catching the ball
The hufflepuff team or team usa speed towards the goal
Jacobe: he's going to score
Bruce: *throw it*
Tony: wade its a fake !!
Diana flies from underneath throwing it and scoring
Announcer: and that's a goal !!!! It's 0-10
The stands go wild
Announcer: Diana with the first Goal Bruce faking it and a amazing goal let's get back to the game
Tony: *grab the ball*
The blunger flies right at Tony
Bruce banner: *smack it* keep going
Tony flies towards the goal *throwing the ball*
Tim Drake: *blocks it* go long *throws it*
Clark grab the ball again
Announcer: team ravenclaw aren't doing that hot as Clark heads for the Goal
Clark throws it
Wade catch the ball
The raven claws begin cheering
Wade: that's how we do it *flies out of goal*
Announcer: what is this Wade is getting out of Goal
Steve: I got you
Announcer: the switch goalies as you know Wade Wilson is also a chaser but he plays goal
Wade avoids all of them
Bruce: *tried tackle him*
Wade avoids it
Thomas: *flies by* I got you
Wade: yup
The blunger flies right at Thomas knocking him off the broom
Announcer: shit it seem Thomas has been knocked out
Thomas broom lands to the ground
Wade throws the ball *scores*
Announcer: and it's a goal it's now 10-10 my god
The medial team is also checking up on Thomas
They have asked for a team out
Doctor: can you play
Thomas: my arm is fucked no
Bruce banner: bring it Ross
Announcer: they are making a switch Thomas is out and Ross is coming in
The game goes on and scoring gets to 60-50 and it's now half time
In the stands
Jacobe: crazy game
Selena: I think ravenclaw might win
Albert: Hufflepuff is in the lead
Announcer: and folk we are back the golden snitch has also been realized
Wade: sub switch
Wade flies to the Goal as Rogers goes in
The game keeps
Peter Parker flies toward the snitch as Clark approaches fast
Peter Parker grabs it
Announcer: and it's over ravenclaw wins the score being 60-140 what a game
The teams shake hand a
The kids head to there dorms and head to sleep
Having flying class in the morning
To be continued

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