Defence against the dark arts class

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Lexie and Jacobe have been friend since he was 5 year old there families are both pure bloods
*Bell rings*
Lexie: hi Jacobe
Jacobe: Lexie your here at hogwarts
Lexie: yeah
Gumdrop: who's this
Lexie: Jacobe real best friend
Jacobe: are families are close friends
Jacobe: she also a Hufflepuff
Gumdrop: hufflepuff!!!
Olivia: hello class I am Olivia granger
Jacobe: oh yeah
Olivia: I am 25
Jacobe: oh yeah
Olivia: and Hermione youngest daughter
Jacobe: ohhhhh yeah *nut in pants*
Jacobe: shit can I go change
Olivia: sure
Selena: *slap jacobe*
Jacobe: what
Selena: why
Jacobe: I love hermione
Selena: me too but you don't have do that
Jacobe: *leaves*
Lexie: Draco is better
Gumdrop: now your speaking my language
Isabel: romano is hot
Gumdrop: are you ducking high
Isabel; Romano didn't do anything he's such a baby
Jacobe: he's a jack ass and asshole for no reason
Carlos: little kids
Vix: Pepsi!!
Marsia: food
Olivia: class today we are learn about werewolves
Olivia: let's learn
Carlos; what's a wherekitty
Olivia: werewolf
Carlos: that's a kitty
Jacobe: shut up
Gumdrop: one of the teachers were a werewolf
Jacobe; yeah during Harry Potter time
Meanwhile outside of hogwarts Draco goes to by supplies for class
Orel: *light up some crack* that's some good shit daddy
Shapey: ahhhhhhh
Orel: shut up
Shapey: where mommy and daddy
Orel: daddy died and mom left
About two hours earlier
Bloberta: come on mistakes let's go for a car ride
Orel: Jesus loves cars 
Shapey; ahhhhh
Bloberta: shut the fuck up Shapey
Bloberta: *light a cigarette* yup I like death sticks
The one parents leave
Present time
Orel: maybe I can buy some crack later
Draco: poor things he's lighting his spoon with a lighter
Orel; *light up crack*
Draco: yeah do you guys want come with me
Orel: are you Jesus
Draco: no I am draco draco Malfoy
Orel: I am Orel clay
Shapey: I am Shapey
Draco: why is ur head like that
Orel: cause he's stupid
Draco: let's go
Draco takes the two kids to hogwarts
Back in class
Olivia: now werewolves have aslo been at war with us for years now
Jacobe: what do you do if you get biten
Olivia: shit out of luck
Carlos; what about shitting on them
Olivia: that wouldn't do anything
Carlos let's out a fart
Selena: I knew a friend who turned into a werewolf he's name was jacob and he's friend Edward
Gumdrop: Selena that's the plot of twilight
Selena: oh yeah
With Draco
Hermoine: Draco why is there two kids with you
Draco: Hermione it was awful this poor kid tried to eat cereal with a spoon and a lighter
Hermoine: what did I say about taking random kids off the streets it makes you look like Carlos mom
Draco: but I wanted to help
Hermoine: doesn't matter return them back
Draco: I wanted get him proper cereal
Hermoine: Draco thsts was crack
Draco: that wasn't crack
Orel: it was
Back to class
Olivia: vampires are rare in the wizard world but be careful
The class talks about different creatures
Olivia: class dismissed
The friends all walk out
Jacobe: it's almost fall
Lexie: fall break !!!
Jacobe: oh yeah
Lexie: you ready get rekt
Jacobe: my family going win
Vix: what are talking about
Lexie: me and Jacobe families do a contest on the best wizardly family
Jacobe: yeah we win ever year
Lexie: we won last year
Jacobe: you used a sleeping jinx and made me fall asleep
Lexie: yay it's was funny
Jacobe: you guys should all come
Everyone: sure
Carlos: yay
Jacobe: pedo aren't allowed
Jacobe: it's usually after Christmas
Everyone: yay
Gumdrop; my parents said I am not allowed out of hogwarts ground
Jacobe: why
Gumdrop: my mom said something about a raccoon man and a fart dog
Selena: what drugs are they on
Gumdrop: honestly I don't even know
Jacobe: that's so weird
Marsia: can I come
Jacobe: no pigs
Draco walks out of potions
Jacobe: Draco who's those kids
Draco: Orel and Shapey
Carlos: do you like video chatting
Shapey: ahhhh *run away*
Jacobe: Draco where do you find these kind of people
Draco: off the street
Gumdrop: ayo pause
Draco: I saved them
Selena: well we have charms in 20 minutes you guys want go to three broomsticks
Jacobe: sure
The kids head to the three broomsticks
Jacobe: everyone want hot chocolate
Selena: yeah
The kids order hot chocolate
At the school
Carlos: put ur hands up
Orel: you want go retard !!!
Shapey: ahhhhhhhhh
Carlos: ur the retard
Orel: ur Jesus !!!
Carlos: *swings*
Draco: stop it you two
Carlos: Draco is my daddy
Draco: no don't say that
Orel: my daddy drinks and hits me
Jacobe and the crew walks in
Jacobe: what going on
Shapey begins screaming
Gumdrop: shut up
Shapey: ahhhhh
Jacobe: we have head to class
Draco: Orel will be joining
Jacobe: yeah no
Draco: yes
Jacobe: we have Carlos and marsia we don't need anymore mental people
The kids head to charms
Lily: welcome class for another lesson
Jacobe: what spell
Lily: the water spell
Lily: *Incendio*
Wood burst into flames
Jacobe; *incendio*
All the student light the wood
Carlos: indildo !!
Lily: *indendio* Carlos we can lack behind
Carlos: penis ass
Shapey; ahhhhhhh
Lily: who let the autism in my class
Orel: Shapey shut it
Lily: so the water spell is Auguamenti
Jacobe: *augamenti*
Selena gets blasted with water
Jacobe; look guys I made her wet
Gumdrop: jacobe we are 12
Selena: * Auguamenti*
Jacobe gets blasted with water into the wall
Lily: stop u guys
Jacobe: yeah I deserved that
Selena: meanie
Jacobe; you still love me
Selena: yeah yeah
Lily continues to teach the class
The class ended
Jacobe: class was so boring
Selena: yeah we had change cause you blasted me with water
Jacobe: I said I was sorry
Selena: still mad at you
Hermoine runs in
Hermoine; everyone put on some nice clothes ur all invited to the granger fall meet
Jacobe: why ?
Hermoine: my parents aslo have this big celebration
Ron walks in drunk
Ron: come give me some sugar Hermoine !!! *falls*
Hermoine: Ron you fucking drunk
Ron: no ur drunk
Jacobe: that poor poor ginger
Isabel: why do you hate him
Jacobe: he's fucking ginger !!!
Selena; I am going get my dress !!! *run*
Kylie: yay dress time
Vix: don't we have class
Draco: yeah go to class
At herblogy
Neville: aright so today we are learning about the coochie eater
Orel: that's my nickname !!!
Shapey: ahhhhhh
Jacobe: ur 12 slow down
Orel: I get more then you
Jacobe: ok crack kid you want go
Orel: let's fight
Carlos: beat him up jacobe there only one retard allowed at this school
Draco: stop it everyone need get along
Jacobe: no this football crack Head need fuck off
Draco: jacobe leave
Jacobe; fuck you I am in class
Draco walk away
Neville: anyways this plant eats coochie the rare bean of the Amazon 
Carlos poke the plant
Neville: now this plant triggered by loud noises or any sudden moves
Shapey looks at the plant
Carlos: Shapey don't scream
Shapey: ahhhhhhh
The plant begins to grow massive
Neville: shit *fire a spell*
The plant begins to go down
Carlos: Shapey you retard
Orel: don't call my brother a retard
Carlos: ur a retard too
Jacobe: it's weird ur saying that Carlos
Carlos: I am not as dumb
Draco: who in the hell peed on my carpet
Carlos: Carlos out *run*
The classes finish and the kids get ready go to Hermoine party
everyone lined up
Jacobe: gumdrop nice suit
Gumdrop: thanks dude
Vix: my suit looks great
Jacobe: everyone looks good and look at mamma
Selena: awe jacobe don't
Cj: this going be fun
Carlos: I am also wearing a suit
Draco: yeah funny enough you actually put it on
Carlos: let's go
The kids head to a gaint meeting hall
Tom granger: welcome
Sandy: so nice to see you
Hermoine: hi mom
Ron: *drunk* Hermoine let me rail you right here
Hermoine: ronald we are in public
Ron: come on let's fuck
Jacobe; go home ur drunk
Shapey: *punch ron*
Ron: you know what I don't need take this I was apart the legendary trio
Harry: yeah you have a problem
Ron: you know what Harry I am porking ur wife
Harry: that's ur sister
Ron: I am porking her hard
Hermoine: ron you need leave
Ron: you know what I am drunk I am going home
Draco: sorry Hermoine for that
Hermoine: it's ok I am used to it *wipe tears*
Selena: gumdrop let's dance
Gumdrop: what about jacobe
Selena: he doesn't like to dance
Gumdrop; he's ur bf
Selena: he said dancing is for white people who think there black
Shapey run screaming
Orel: *tried smoke crack*
Draco: Orel no crack
Orel: *grab him* its mine !!
Draco: Orel crack isn't good for you
Orel: shut up old man crack is good. A clown once told me about meth but god says do meth
Draco: I don't remember god saying that
The kids have fun at the dance
Meanwhile with death eaters
Teffary: guys guys my new name is Ray
Death eater: dude no one really cares
Ray(aka teffary)
Ray: I want do something evil Steven
Steven: dude can you not I am trying study
Ray: really I thought you didn't care
Steven: stupid mudblood lover Draco said it's worth 20%
At the dance
Hermoine is in her room crying
Draco walk in
Draco; you ok
Hermoine: no my husband is a drunk
Draco: my father used to tell me he fucked my mom. And then showed me a video
Hermoine: that's awful
Draco: at least ron doesn't do that
Hermoine: I think I am ready to divorce him
Th kids head back to school for Christmas is coming
Time skip to Christmas
To be Continue

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