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I dunno why it took me so long to write my oppinion about this ship but here we go.....they are just friends and I honestly cannot imagine them as something more...they are just too good of friends yknow. Usually I am all for the childhood friends ships but not this time. Especially since Farkle always seemed to like Riley more than Maya even tho he promised to love them equallly...we all could tell. Riarkle just has more of a romantic potential...he saved her life and shit and Markle like??? Nah I can't see it I prefer Lucaya they just click you know. Like I like Markle's friendship but that is it so ye. I prefer Rilaya, Riarkle and Lucaya than this one.
And btw yes Ik that tthey technically got married but honestly Maya just wanted the ring...and ik that he kissed her on the nose or sth and she kissed him on the cheek but I mean when she kissed him and when he kissed her he was already with Smackle so there were no chances for them to become sth more while on the flip side when Farkle kissed Riley she was still single and he did that because he was grateful for what she did to him and he kissed Maya to prolly just make her feel mkre confused so xd We know who wins...RiarKLe
Overall rating: 1/10

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