Chapter I • A Life Changed

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The building was old, with torn and faded wallpaper, cracked concrete walls and fallen rafters, and broken and uneven floorboards that groaned with every step. A terrible chill filled the entire place, and the rainfall never seemed to cease, causing some areas to flood, as well as a constant pitter-patter sound against the thin glass of the windows that would drive anyone insane after listening to it for a time.

In short, the building was dangerous and in horrible condition.

To {Y/N}, however, the building meant safety. The young one didn't have much room to complain, either, as most of the buildings in the Pale City were in disrepair, but this one in particular was not only completely abandoned but had a total lack of televisions as well. This meant that even if someone were to wander into the building, they would leave soon after since there was nothing to captivate their attention.

To {Y/N}, this decrepit place was the perfect hideaway.

On most days, {Y/N} would sit inside and try to warm themself and watch the rain, but on this particular day they were out on the fire escape, staring out across the city and up at the Signal Tower that loomed ominously in the distance. They listened to the faint humming sound the tower produced, and wondered what exactly it was about the transmission that the adults loved so much.
Every adult in the Pale City was drawn like a magnet to the televisions, their gaze transfixed upon the screen. {Y/N} hadn't the slightest idea what all the fuss was about, as all they could see was static, but if the adults watched it enough to the point that their faces had completed erroded, {Y/N} assumed that it was either something absolutely wonderful or absolutely terrible....

.... and they were leaning towards the latter.

{Y/N} wasn't all that affected anymore by the eeriness of everyday life, though. They'd spent most of their life in this city, and the life they lived now was really all they could remember. Nowadays, it was mostly all about survival. Moving from place to place to hide, escaping the threats of the world around them, and the never. ending. questions.
{Y/N} had so many questions about this world, and yet, they always seemed to go unanswered.

It was on this day that the questions were once again buzzing around in {Y/N}'s skull.... when suddenly, they heard a creak coming from inside. Having always been a curious soul, they climbed back inside and looked around.
At first, nothing seemed out of the ordinary; the place was just as tarnished as it always had been. It wasn't until {Y/N} looked up that they noticed what was wrong, and a sudden dreadful feeling appeared in the pit of their stomach.

The ceiling was collapsing.

{Y/N} knew they had little time to waste. They began to run as quickly as their little legs could carry them. They ran faster than ever before. They ran for their life.
Dust fell from the ceiling as everything began to collapse behind them. {Y/N} covered their nose and mouth in order to keep themself from breathing it in; the last thing they needed was to die from something as easily avoidable as dust inhalation. They dodged falling rafters and overturned furniture, and watched the floor for the right place to step like a hawk watches its prey.

However, having dared to look up for a mere moment, {Y/N} saw something that surprised them quite a bit.

Not too far ahead of them were the figures of two other people, people who looked to be around the same age and height as {Y/N}. One wore a bright yellow raincoat, while the other wore a brown coat and pants and a paper bag on their head.
A spark of hope ignited within {Y/N}, now knowing that they weren't truly alone in this world. Maybe they could come along with these new people? They opened their mouth to call out to the other children, but before they could make a sound. . . .

{Y/N} suddenly plunged right through the floor, having been distracted by the children and had not been looking where they were going.
The dreadful feeling in their stomach elevated as they fell for a time, and before long, they hit the ground with an audible thud, and everything went black.

{Y/N} didn't know how long they'd been unconscious, but when they finally came to, they noticed two things:

1. They had a splitting headache that they could already tell was going to last a while.

2. The child with the paper bag was kneeling beside them, staring over them with a gentle curiosity.


Hey!! Author here!!

Soooo.... What did you think of this first chapter? Am I doing alright? Please, I'd love to know. I really wanna write this, but I've never done this kind of thing before. :')

The word count of the day:

Bye for now!!

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