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I was back at the hospital. Giran had called me to see mia again. She still didn't remember me or anyone else. Looking her like this hurt. She was clueless about everything around her. The place she grew up, the place she was supposed to rule. She remembers none of it.

I didn't really change anything when she died. I had this fear that her spirit would be angry that her home had been changed drastiaclly so I made it a mission to keep it some what the same. I guess half hartedly I hopped she would come back.

My effort were in vain now I guess. She's here. She doesn't remember a god damn thing. Completely clueless.

It was hard to look her in the eye. It hard to not remeber all that we have gone through. How we were supposed to get married, the kisses we shared every day. Looking her in the eye brought all those memories back. She doesnt remember any of those shared moments together.
Her touch never left my skin. The tingle of her hand on my cheek. Her lips on mine. Her body pressed againgt mine. None of these feelings left my mind or body all this time. I thought I had lost these feelings until now. I hadnt forgotten about any of these things, I hadnt forgotten anything about her. How could I though? She is the love of my life. My soulmate.
All these things I ever learned about her are now pointless I guess. She's not the person I know. She's different. She doesn't remeber anything about her old life. She's a completely different person now.

I look from the ground that I found myself staring at. 'Mia?' I choke out. I hadnt realised I had gotten emotional. 'Should we go eat at the place we used to like?' I start fidgiting with my fingers, getting nervous. 'We could hopefully get your memories back?'

She sits up straighter in her bed, becoming on edge. 'I- I guess we could' She answers, her voice tight.

Later that day we had both got ready for to go out. I asked Giran to let her leave for the day and he agreed, telling me to not overwhelm her with information about her past. I agreed, happy that she was aloud out. I was like a guy taking a daughter on a date for the first time.

Mentally I'm not prepared for any outcome or reactions we both may have to the town we once walked down together. It would be hard for me to see her infront of our favourite cafe like in the pictures I have on my wall, or the park we used to train in, the forest we used to roam in on a hunt. This is going to be torture isn't it?

Mia had chose to wear all black, jeans, a plain t-shirt and black shoes. I had unintentionally wore a same outfit with a added green leather jacket. It was like before, where we would match outfits. She also still had her style. That made me smile, something hasnt changed about her. She's still the emo girl I wanted to marry.

'Its not that warm out so you may want a jacket.' I say grabbing her once favourite jacket.

'Oh, yeah okay. Thank you' She grabs the red leather jacket draping it around her shoulders.

'You ready?' I ask grabbing the door handle of the giant door.

Mia takes in a deep breath, her posture straightening then slumps and she let's out the breath.

'Yes I'm ready' She nods and steps forward.

I wasn't exactly ready either. This had to be done though.

Once we left the house people started to stare. It was to be expected. A few people waved at me and some gossiped with their friends and parters about a look alike mia. I didn't exactly hate it... it was nice to have my pack curious about something 'light hearted' if i could even call it that.

I held a smile as we walked. I don't even know where im taking Mia. where do I take someone who has lost all their memories? Where do I take her that I want to enjoy as well?

Coffee? Dinner? Is that too formal? would she even remember anything if I did take her? I think I should have thouht about where I was going before we left. Even asked.

'Where are we going?' Mia asks.

I awkwardly laugh and decide to be honest. 'I have no idea to be honest.' I stop. ' I dont know where the most appropriate place to take you is'

She shrugs, something she rarely used to do. 'Wheres the place you would take someone whos new here? Lets try there.' I had to admit that was a good idea.

'Okay then lets go there then.' I say to her smiling brightly. Mia didn't smile as brightly back.

'Where is "there"' Mia asks not continuing to walk with me.

I could tell she was apprehensive. Anxiety written all over face.I could tell she was very much on edge so I decided to give away the location.

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