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Hello fellow readers. This is the second story to the how do I love you series.

I'm glad you have decided to continue with it and enjoy the book.

This wasn't planned but I didn't want to dissapoint my readers so here yall go.

This book may take a while because I I need to plan for it and actually write it and so forth so yes.

The covers will change as well so be prepared for that.

I'm going to draw my own covers and characters for you guys as I'm an artists hehe.

This is an original story and concept so please don't steal it if possible.

With this book im going to write it the way I want to this time around so there's no confusion on my side if thats okay with you guys. I have a somewhat plan already and I think I'm gonna stick with it.

I'm also going to try and publish once a month or every 2 weeks 🤔 what do you think about that?

I hope you enjoy.

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