Chapter One

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This is a story of battle and deception. A harrowing tale full of grief, suffering, really awkward moments, and death.

Quite the horrible combo, if you ask me.

My name is Technoblade, and this is a narrative about my life. My horrible, annoying, very karma-loving life.

Oh, and also about that one time we almost all died.


You know when you have the perfect plan, a brilliant backup for that plan, and an even better backup for that backup plan, but none of that even matters because life decides that today is not your day? And then you end up dangling by your feet from a lamp post because the person you were chasing just happened to have a sense of humor, and your adoptive brother is just staring at you because he's too shocked and amused to act?

I gritted my teeth and wiggled around, trying --- and failing --- to loosen the ropes at my feet. "Wilbur!" I snapped, glaring at him, the upside down angle giving me a lovely view of his nostrils that I never knew I needed. "Come on, help me."

Wilbur folded his arms and smirked. "I'd rather just stand here and watch, thank you."

"Wilbur, I swear I will punch you." 

He laughed, which just irritated me more. "You know, that's probably not the best thing to say to the person who is your only hope of getting down."

Even though I hated it, he was right. But that hate was enough to drive me forward. I flipped up and grabbed the ropes, my very limited stomach muscles screaming at me as I took a breath and tried to get my thoughts straight. My sword was on the ground a good distance away, which meant that I didn't have anything to cut the rope with. 

In times like that, it would've been helpful to have a brother who cared enough to help me down. Unfortunately, I wasn't that lucky.

I squinted at the knot, my arms shaking slightly as I held myself up. It looked simple enough, and since the rope was thick, there wasn't much room to make an overly-elaborate knot. 

My fingers moved swiftly. The knot quickly unravelled at my touch, giving me a brief sense of elation, before gravity decided to take hold. I hit the ground hard, but luckily, it hadn't been a high fall. Unfortunately, I had been right above a puddle of water.

"You look like a water demon!" Wilbur crowed with glee as I stood up, the mud water dripping from my clothes. "Oh, this is incredible."

I swept back my wet bangs and glared at him. He took the hint and went quiet, but he couldn't suppress the light chuckles coming out of him.

Even if he was a pain, I could never stay mad at Wilbur for long. He was my brother, even if we were both adopted. When we were younger, I actually looked a bit like him. Same brown hair, even if his was wavier, and the same hazel eyes. Same slight build, but he was taller. As we grew, I decided to dye my hair pink. First it started off as just strands, but eventually it became the entire thing as one solid strawberry color. I didn't bother cutting my hair until the point that it was a ways over my shoulders, which our adoptive father, Philza, decided was long enough. As tribute to that moment, he let me keep the braid Wilbur had done for me behind one ear, but the rest of my hair was history.

In a way, I preferred short hair. It wasn't in my face all the time, and I didn't accidentally slice it off when I was practicing with my sword. But I always kept the braid. 

Now, he was a renown pop star with thousands of adoring fans. With his good looks, large vocal range, and charismatic manner, it wasn't really a surprise. In fact, I was happy for him. Singing was his passion, and being able to do what he loved for a job was like a dream come true. 

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