Chapter Thirteen

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I had to clench my teeth together to stop myself from making a sound.

Tubbo? What was he doing here? I knew that he was still a student, but the fact that the only time I saw him was at work let the fact constantly slip out of my mind. There was no way that I could've guessed that Tommy's new friend was Tubbo of all people.

It really was a small world.

Tubbo smiled as Tommy gave him a pat on the back, gazing around him at the school campus. He looked so cheerful and happy that I really didn't want to be standing there awkwardly. I felt like I should crack or joke or something and turn the mood upside down, but I couldn't talk. 

It was one of the bad things about having your identity a secret. Tubbo didn't know what I looked like, but one word out of me would let him know immediately.

Was keeping identities secret a rule? No. But I did it anyways.

"You're quiet all of a sudden," Tommy noted, elbowing me in the side. I gave him a nasty glare. "Sheesh, calm down Te---"

I clamped my hand over his mouth and smiled at Tubbo, like Yeah, this is just something that happens daily. Perfectly normal. Don't question it.

"What sort of name is 'Te?'" Tubbo asked, scratching his head. "That's a weird time. Kind of reminds me of this other weird name that I know."

Tommy removed my hand from his mouth and scowled. "No, his name isn't 'Te.' What sort of a name is Te? His name is Tec---"

My hand went over his mouth again. Tubbo gave us a curious look as Tommy struggled against me. "Huh. Tec isn't any better. But it is closer to that weird name that I know."

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. I knew that my name was weird, but having Tubbo tell me that wasn't any help.

Tommy clawed at the back of my hand and made a muffled sound of protest, possibly swears. I ignored him and gave Tubbo a calm nod.

"In fact, I think I saw that guy with the weird name this morning," Tubbo continued, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "I dunno. I haven't seen his face before, and he was pretty quiet, so I can't be sure, but I think it was him."

I frowned slightly. I didn't remember seeing Tubbo this morning, but---

Of course. The cat.

No wonder the cat seemed like it had been trying to frown at me, because it was. It had been Tubbo, trying to figure out whether I was Technoblade or not.

Taking advantage of the fact that I was distracted, Tommy put in all of his effort and finally tugged my hand away. I made a grab at him, but he pranced out of my reach and proclaimed, "His name is Technoblade."

It was like a bomb had dropped. Tubbo slowly looked over at me, his eyes wide, taking in every bit of my face. His eyes wandered to the left side of my face. Betrayal flickered across his features before returning to a mask of calm. "Ah, okay. What an odd name."

"Very odd, I know," I said, looking away from him.

"So, you're a Gifted?"

"Yeah. I don't use my powers, though."

"You know, 'I am a Gifted' would be a very good thing to lead with when you're introducing yourself."

I frowned slightly, then rearranged my facial features into one of calm. I knew that I had told him before, and he had figured it out too. But Tubbo often had a problem with his memory, and it was easier just to go along with him.

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