Chapter six

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I woke up to a snoring Fred, I slowly moved out of his tight grip and placed his arm on the sofa. I took careful steps around the floor trying not to wake the sleeping trio up. I headed towards the staircase and tried to step the squeaky stairs quietly. It didn't worked that well but I really gave my best.

As I arrived at Ginny's room I slowly opened the door and looked straight in Ginny's sleepy eyes.

„Did I wake you?" I asked. „No, I'm up quiet a while now." the girl said smiling at me. „You still look kind of tired tho." I smirked. „Yes, I didn't slept that well." she mumbled. „Tell me what's up?" I asked because I knew something was wrong.

„You know I have this strange feeling when I look at Harry since like the first time I saw him I had a little crush on that boy." she started.

„Yeah just a little." I mumbled looking down. „But I was spending a lot of time with Luna when we were still at Hogwarts."

„And you don't know how to feel about that." I asked carefully.

„Yes." she said after a while.

„Look Ginny, you don't have to decide how to feel about them, I mean what speaks again liking both genders, it's totally fine. And I also think that everybody around you, your friend and family will support you. Nobody cares who you like, they will all love you just the way you are."

She came closer and hugged me. „Thank you, Y/n!" she mumbled in my neck. „You don't have to thank me for that Ginny bean, I will always stand behind you, and now come on let's help your mother making breakfast."

We both stood up from her bed and went down the stairs.


After preparing breakfast with Molly, we all set down at the big table and the others joined us. First Ron, Hermione and Harry came in the room and Ronald enthused about the food and it's smell. Mione just smiled at us. And Harry just sat down next to Ginny with a „Good Morning."

Next the twins arrived and George placed hisself on the chair to my right. Fred walked up to me and softly touched my neck whilst passing me and sat down to my left.

-It really made me feel some kind of way. I thought to myself.

Seconds later the two adult men arrived through the front door, all dressed and we all started eating the delicious food.

I stood up with the thought of helping Molly with the dishes but she just smiled to me and said „Go and pack your stuff, dear. Tomorrow you will head back to Hogwarts." -shit, totally forgot about that, how the time flies at the burrow.


I finished packing, so I went to the twins room. „Hey boys." I said with a big smile on my face as I opened their door. „Hey beautiful!" a familiar voice said as I turned around after closing the door. I looked up and my eyes met some sweet brown eyes. I blushed immediately.

„What are you doing?" I asked smiling at my favorite redhead. „Nothing much just some packing, you know?" „Yeah, where's George?" I said whilst looking around the room.

„Oh, he went down to hand Mum our letters with the stuff for school." „She's going to diagon alley now?" „Yes!" „Than I have to search my letter and give it to her." I said kind of worried. „ No worries, love. I already took it from you." „You thief!" I said jokingly, slightly punching him in his shoulder.

„Come on lovebirds, let's play some quidditch the weather is amazing!" a voice yelled from behind us, it turned out it was George.

We sprinted down the stairs, like it was a competition. I was the first one reaching the floor. „Ha I won!" bursted out. „In you dreams, Jones." George scoffed back.

We arrived at a big field next to the burrow, where the other ones were waiting for us with some brooms. „Took you guys long enough." Ginny complained. „Oh shut it!" I said in a joking way.

Everyone took a broom expect for Hermione, because she was not that good on the broom, we decided it would be the best of she's sharing one with Ron;)

„So how are we gonna sort the teams?" Harry asked. „I would say that Harry, George, Mione and me are one team and you three." Ron said looking at Ginny, Fred and me. „Deal!" we all said at the same time.

We split and the three of us decided that Ginny's gonna be the seeker, in the other Team it was Harry. I am going to be the chaser, like George, and Fred and Ron the keepers.

Hermione opened the box and set the balls free and hoped on Ron's broom. I headed towards the quaffel, catching it simply. I made my way to the goal and striked. „Yeahhhh!" I screamed happily.

„Good job, Y/n!" I heard Fred yelling over the field. I smiled at him and the game took off.

After half an hour it was 40 to 30 for us, I Fred catched the quaffel and threw it in my direction. I rushed to the rings but got stopped by somebody kicking me of my broom.


I opened my eyes and found myself lying on the sofa back in the burrow. Everybody headed towards me. „How are you feeling sweetie?" my Dad asked me worried. „I'm fine, but did we won?" I answered. „Yeah, we did!" Fred said laughing from the side of me whilst holding my hand.

„Look Y/n, I am really sorry, I didn't mean to hit you that hard or worse hurt you." George said looking me straight in the eyes. „Hey Georgie it's alright, I'm totally fine." I said smiling at the redhead. „But I will pay you back, boy." We all laughed and soon all went to bed.

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