Chapter nine

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We went back to our dorm to get ready. Hermione was the first one in the bathroom and i was feeding Ginger in that time. I changed into my new black two pice and a red checkered miniskirt, with some black overknee socks, and my white school shirt and the gryffindor tie.

Mione came out, so it was my turn. I brushed my teeth again and did some black eye makeup, lipstick and some curls. -I really do look kind of sexy but I had to, because I wanted to impress Fred.

I walked past the door and the two girls were staring at me. „What?" I asked confused. „You look -hot" Hermione started but Ginny finished her sentence. „Thanks guys."

Hermione was wearing her normal school uniform so I decided to pimp it a bit up for her. „Let me help  you." I put her skirt a bit higher and made her tie a bit more loose and opened her hair. „Yeah thats way better." „Should I leave my jumper on?" she asked. „Yes it looks good."

Ginny was wearing a white tennis skirt and a Gryffindor Quidditch sweater with a white shirt underneath.

We all were ready and walked down stairs trying not to get caught.


Fred's POV

The party was going well and George was handing the drinks out. And my job was letting all the people in. I was just waiting for her to come. Everytime somebody knocked at the door, I hoped it was her.

Again there was a knock and I swung the door open. And there she was. Looking extremely sexy and hot and wow. I wanted immediately to kiss and smash her against the wall, she looked absolutely stunning.

I think I was staring because Ginny slightly pushed me in the side. „Er- welcome ladies, come in before somebody sees you." I stuttered.

„Good job, Freddie!" Y/n said after walking in. „Thank you." I said kind of nervous. „You want something to drink." I kind of yelled at her because of the loud music. „I'd love to."

I took her hand and brought her up to George for the drinks. „Let's drink some Tequila." she yelled looking up to me, throwing her hands in the air. -good I love this woman. „Let's drink some Tequila!" I repeated.

We took some shots and Y/n grabbed my hand forcing me to follow her to the dance floor.

„Come on, let's dance Freddie!" she said smiling up to me. -I wanted to kiss her so bad.

I placed my hands on her waist and we danced to ‚Do I wanna know?' from Arctic Monkeys.


Y/n's POV

He put his big hands on my waist and we started dancing in slowly moves. The alcohol slowly started kicking. My back was faced to him and I started rubbing my ass onto him in the rhythm. He smiled down at me and whispered in my ear „I don't like it when people provoke me, if you won't stop i'll need to punish you." I gulped but didn't stop.

„Hey Y/n, Fred!" a voice yelled, it was George. Since we were dancing for a while now we
didn't noticed that their weren't that much people anymore. „Let's play some truth or dare." „Lucky you." Fred whispered to me in a deep voice.

We sat down in a circle. Harry, Ron, Ginny, Hermione, Lee, Luna and George were already sitting. „So who's gonna start?" I asked.
„Always the person asking." Ginny said winking at me.

„Harry truth or dare?" „Dare." „I dare Fred and George to tell you their dirtiest thoughts." „Oh boy." George said whilst standing up.

They both whispered in his ear and his look was hilarious, he was so shocked. We all started laughing.

Now it was his turn. „Ginny truth or dare?" „Truth." with how much people have you slept." „Bro that's our sister." Fred said kind of annoyed. „Shhh!" I made whilst putting one finger on his lips. He gave me a up and down look filled with lust.

„Two." she said kind of looking in Lunas direction.

„I need to go to the bathroom." I said standing up. „I'll show it to you." Lee jumped up. „No dude, it's okey I'll do it." Fred glanced at him.

He put one hand around my waist and guided me towards a room. He stopped and opened the door for me, I walked in and he waited outside. I went to the toilet and whilst washing my hands, a tall figure walked up behind me. Pulling me by my waist and turning me around. He looked me straight in the eyes. He grabbed my face „Don't ever provoke me again." He scoffed. „Or what." I replied, smirking at him.

His lips smashed into mine and our tongues fought for domination and he won. He liftet me up to the sink. I grabbed his face and with one hand he grabbed the back of my neck and with the other one he held my thigh.

After a few minutes we stopped because we needed air. „You sure you wanna do this?" he asked. I just nodded, pulling him in again, on his shirt.

We heard footsteps, so he liftet me up carrying me to the toilet cabin. Not letting go of me. We pulled away as the door opened.

„Y/n you here?" I heard a familiar girls voice asking . I wanted to reply, but Fred but his hand over my mouth causing me to say nothing. He looked me straight in the eyes. -I wanted him so bad.

Hermione went back outside and we started making out again. I could feel him growing. He placed a hand under my skirt right on my ass. But again we heard footsteps. He put his hand on my mouth again and whispered, „I waited so long for you, I'm not letting you go now." -what does he mean with he waited so long?

As the steps were gone. He let go of me, placing my feet on the floor. „What are you doing?" I asked with a confused look, thinking he changed his opinion. „Taking you to a better place." he grabbed my hand and started walking towards the door. Not looking at me just acting in his lust.

-1055 words.

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