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-adrienne's pov-

"i need a bigger suitcase." i complained while sitting on my suitcase and attempting to zip it.

"it's only a two day, trip you don't need that much stuff." matisse said while chuckling.

"i might though, you never know." i told him still trying to zip up my suitcase.

"let me help you." he said walking over to me and zipping it all the way. he put his hand out to help me up off the suitcase that is on the floor. i grabbed his hand and he pulled me up and into a hug.

"thank you for helping me." i said and pecked his lips twice.

"you know i got you babygirl." he said. "i'm a little nervous not gonna lie." he said as he pulled away and sat on my bed. i sat next to him and rested my head on his shoulder while holding his hand.

"they're gonna like you i promise." i told him.

"but what if they don't." he said.

"there's no need to be so nervous." i said chuckling at him.

"don't laugh at me, your dad scares me." he said annoyed.

"i'm sorry love but you have nothing to worry about i promise you. my dad will act tuff for probably 45 seconds but ya'll act so similar there's no way he ain't gonna like you." i told him remembering the times i joked about how protective my dad is. he is but i know he'll like matisse so everything will be fine.

"i hope so." matisse said sighing.

"also the night we get there i'm taking you out on a date." i told him. i've been planning this date for a few weeks ever since he said he'd come.

"look at you, taking me out. how the tables have turned. what are we doing?" he asked.

"it's a surprise. you've set the bar high these past few months so just know it's gonna be amazing." i told him excitedly.

"you know you're not gonna have any clothes for the next few days because your whole closet is in that suitcase." he said chuckling as we stared at my full suitcase on the floor.

"that's okay, i'll just wear your clothes." i told him smiling at him while he straight faced me.

"i wouldn't expect anything less." matisse said.

"will you spend the night?" i asked him not wanting him to leave.

"yeah, i don't have practice until 4 tomorrow." he said.

"i'll be there." i told him.

"good, don't tell anyone but your my favorite trainer." he said smiling at me like a kid.

"you're a trip." i said chuckling. "but your my favorite player, don't tell ben." i told him.

"i definitely am telling ben." he said laughing. "i want chick fil a." matisse said.

"go get some." i told him.

"no that's so much work. i'm too sore to move." he said laying down.

"i'll get some. what do you want?" i asked him.

"a chicken sandwich meal please." he said as i got up and slide my slides on. i walked over to him and gave him a kiss before walking out of my room.

"i love you, drive safe!" he yelled as i made my way downstairs.

"i love you too!" i yelled before making my way outside and to my car. i got in and started it, i put on my bryson tiller playlist. i pulled out of my driveway and made my way to the closest chick fil a that's about 7 minutes away.

"can i get a name for the order?" the worker asked.

"adrienne." i told her.

"okay what would you like?" she asked.

"let me get a 12 count nugget meal with a sweet tea and chick fil a sauce and a chicken sandwhich meal with another sweet tea." i told her.

"okay will that be all?" she asked.

"yes ma'am." i said. i paid, got the food, and drove back home. i made my way upstairs and put the food on the bed.

"you're a literal angel." he told me as he got his food out. "can't believe you got me a sweet tea." he said after he took a drink.

"you're about to be in the south get used to it." i told him chuckling as i started eating. we ate and didn't talk much since we we're both so hungry.

"okay i'm gonna get in the shower." i said throwing the food away in the trash can in my room that is always overflowing.

"noooooo come cuddle with me." matisse said.

"i will after." i told him.

"no now please." he begged.

"fine." i said as i got back in bed and put my head on his chest while he wrapped his arms around my waist. he kissed my forehead and turned on the celtics game. after a while i fell asleep while matisse continued to yell at the tv.

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