06 - Taking care of him

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The Next day:-➤

Tae woke up and saw Jin wasn't in the bedroom. He panicked bcz he didn't knew when Jin left his apartment, nor he did knew whether he reached home safely or not. He was worrying about Jin like a caring boyfriend. So the first thing he did after getting ready is to drive to his college.

He reached there and saw Jin wasn't there in the college.

"Did he even reached home safely? Damn it!! What have I done?" Taehyung thought.

He woke up suddenly from his thoughts when a familiar voice called him.

"President what are you doing here? We have a meeting, today! You remember right?" Yumi asked.

"Uh-yeah yeah Ik, meeting will start after lunch alright. Before that, Yumi aren't you in the same class as-" Tae stopped bcz he didn't want her to knew that he and Jin are familiar with each other.

So instead he asked her tactfully so that Yumi doesn't suspect anything. "Is there someone absent from your class? Bcz your homeroom teacher told me to bring the attendance sheet but I found one person is missing.

"Oh yeah, Seokjin is absent today. He's not the person who will skip college, it's the first time he skipped college, he's very sincere about his college studies, hope he's alright." Yumi said.

"Oh..do you know where he lives?"Taehyung asked.

"Uh well I'm not so close to him so I don't really know where he lives. I'm sorry but why do u ask?"

"Just curious, anyways you go to ur class, I also gotta go." After saying this, Tae immediately went to Jin's homeroom teacher to ask his address, his teacher gave him the address bcz he trusts Tae, and so the teacher thought Tae must be visiting Jin in the college hours for something important.

After few minutes, Tae reached Jin's house, it wasn't exactly his house, he lived in a rent apartment, the place wasn't that hygienic also. Taehyung was hurt by seeing this. He knocked on the door but no one answered. He got angry when he saw that the door was unlocked, he was about to yell but got soft when he saw Jin shivering bcz of cold.

"Omfg what happened to you Jin? Are you alright?" Tae asked bcz he was so shocked that he couldn't speak anything when he saw Jin in that miserable state.

He immediately went to the med store and brought some meds. He really wants to repay as he was feeling guilty about last night. He made some porridge and feed him. Though it wasn't that good but still Jin ate it, without complaining. Instead he muttered a small 'thank you' and went to sleep again before taking the medicines.

Taehyung decided to lay beside Jin to keep him warm by pressing their bodies together to make the fever go down.

Well, after few hours, Jin got up bcz his fever went down. He got up from his bed to thank the person whom he thought his coworker from for treating him well but instead he screamed by seeing Taehyung, which woke him up.

"W-why are you here?" Jin asked nervously.

"Listen Jin first calm down, you just recovered fully from your fever, so don't exaggerate yourself that much and I'm not gonna do anything to you I swear. And I'm the one who brought you medicines." Taehyung explained.

"Oh...um.... Thank you so much. Um....I really appreciate it." Jin said in a loving manner. After that there was an awkward silence so Tae spoke again," I'm really sorry about yesterday, I'll do anything for you I promise, just forgive me. I wasn't in the right state of mind."

Jin smiled, "You don't have to do anything. You took care of me bcz and that's more than enough. I'm thankful to you."

"It's ok, you are free from that contract of ours.." Tae spoke in a low voice.

This took Jin by surprise. He has doubts if he heard it right now or not. "What?"

Taehyung sighed. He doesn't likes repeating the same sentence. "I said you are free from that contract of ours. You don't have to be my fuck-buddy or anything. Yoy are free to leave. Now you are free to leave me, I don't need anyone in my life-" Taehyung couldn't complete his sentence as Jin suddenly pressed his lips onto Taehyung's. Taehyung was a blushing mess.

"Thank you, but I'm not gonna give up on you. I still love you." Jin said as he pulled away from the kiss.

Upon hearing that Taehyung's heart melted but he's blushing too hard so he immediately left and asked Jin to take care of himself.

From Hatred to Love | Taejin [✓]Where stories live. Discover now