Last part 🤍

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G: babe you should come in the water it's warm
Grayson said as he walked back onto the sand and came back up to me.
YESS finally Hawaii happened I'm so glad it did. And being lily mum makes everything better
Y: me and lily are fine here
I whined not really wanting to get wet. As I watched lily play with the sand
G: Ethan can watch her for just a second she'll be fine
Y: nooo Grayson I don't want to get wet
I groaned as he picked me up lightly which made me scream
I screamed down the beach as he ran into the water
I demanded as he dropped me into the water. Which made my body tense up at how cold it was.
Y: I hate you
I said and pulled him a death stare as he laughed
G: cheer up babe it's only water
Y: but now I'm cold
I whined as I went closer to him for warmth
G: I'll give you a piggyback then
He said as he bent down a little for me to jump onto his back
Y: better not drop me this time
I said and smacked the back off his head
G: your so violent
He said and laughed
Y: bitch fight me
I said as he laughed and went under the water which made me fall off his back
Y: now my hairs wet
I said and jumped onto him
G: awhh oh well
He said and carried me back to shore
E: finally you guys are back
Ethan said and he sat on the sand with lily in his arms as she was asleep
Y: his fault he kept dropping me
I said and sat down next to Ethan
G: it was a joke babe
He said and kissed my lips while smiling
Y: my hair is wet
E: it's hair that's the whole point
G: thank you
Y: I hate you two
I groaned as I brought lily into my arms

E: any thoughts on what Grayson surprise is
Ethan said as he laid on the bed
Y: nope
I said while choosing out clothes
E: it's gonna be special I can tell
Y: I mean hopefully he isn't breaking up with me
I laughed a little trying to lighten the mood
E: let me guess you need help with dresses
I said and pulled random ones out of the suitcase
E: what style did Grayson say
Y: he said a restaurant by the beach
E: cute definitely a beach dress type of one
Y: I'm not sure Ethan
Y: I'll look bad
E: bitch no try this on
He said and passed me a short tight fitted black dress with white little flowers all over it. It looked nice. Bitch has great fashion choices
Y: ok I'm in love
E: I know I'm the best
He said as I hugged him tightly
Y: your the best thank you Ethan
I said as I put on the dress and did makeup

G: wow babe you look gorgeous
He said and kissed me lips as I blushed lightly
Y: thank you Grayson
I said and looked down as he picked up lily
G: I thought lily would like to come with us
He said as we walked out of the apartment
Y: definitely I love it when she comes with us
I said as we walked along the beach
G: y/n before we go to the restaurant can I ask you something
He said as he put lily on the soft sand and knelt down. NO WAY
G: y/n y/l/n you are the most amazing prettiest girl I have ever met you make me and lily so happy I would never think I would be standing here today asking you to marry me how you could even still love me from the start you made me, me again so y/n will you marry me
He said as a tear slipped down my cheek
Y: of course I will Grayson
I said and jumped into his arms as we kissed. The ring looked good 😏.

Let's just say two people who were lost looking for love who had been heartbroken in the past found there happy ending. Everyone deserves one

Lost // Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now