Part 20

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G: I love our dates
He sighed as he brought me closer to him
Y: me too I'm so excited for Hawaii though
I said excitedly as Grayson chuckled
Y: lily will look so cute
G: your more excited about lily going to Hawaii for the first time more than the rest off it aren't you
Y: maybeeee I love her
I smiled as he kissed my forehead
G: good y/n will you be lily mum
He said softly as I stared at him in shock
Y: Grayson idk
I said and bit my lip
G: you'd be amazing you already act like it and she loves you
He said trying to persuade me.
I'm not even sure I don't know If I'm ready for a type of responsibility like that. I've always loved kids and I just don't know. What if I'm not good enough
Y: Grayson what if I'm not good enough
G: if you weren't good enough I wouldn't be dating you right now
He said and kissed me
Y: what if she hates me
G: she loves you
Y: ok I will be lily mum
I smiled lightly as Grayson hugged me tightly
G: you don't know how happy I am knowing lily can finally be happy
He said as he picked me up and twirled me around like a little kid
Y: Grayson ahhh I'm dizzy put me down
I screamed as he put me back on the ground lightly as everything was spinning
G: GrAySon AhH
He said in a high pitched girly voice as he tried to mimic me
Y: I don't sound like that
I said and crossed my arms
G: sure babe
He said and kissed my lips softly. Everything was finally perfect

E: your back finally
He groaned as he slumped back onto the couch and shut his eyes
Y: awhhh tough night e
I said and patted his shoulder which made him jump up and open his eyes again as I sat down next to him
E: Grayson your kid cries a lot
He said as he put his head on my chest
Y: awhhh she must take after Grayson
I said which made Grayson roll his eyes as he pushed Ethan head away so he could cuddle me
E: owwwww
He whined as I slapped the back of his head
Y: deal with it
I smirked as he rolled his eyes
E: so I'm guessing you asked her gray
He said which made me confused
G: yes I did
E: so your officially lily mum
Ethan said as he looked at me
Y: I guess so
E: good take her
He said and picked her up off the floor where she played with toys and handed her to me
G: told you she loves you
He said and kissed my cheek. As I looked down at lily as she smiled lightly and held my finger with her tiny hand.
Y: I'm going to cry shes to cute
He said and wiped a tear away
E: stoppp this is to sentimental
Ethan said and grabbed a box of tissues
G: you were always the more dramatic twin weren't you Ethan
E: heyyy at least I'm good at acting
Y: don't lie to yourself babes
I said as he frowned at my response
E: rude I'm going to bed I'm never baby sitting again to much stress
He said and walked upstairs
G: lily whatever you did good job
He said which made me laugh as well as lily
Y: Awhhhh

8 months later
G: so I was thinking remember when I promise to take you to Hawaii
He said andhe leaned on the counter as I fed lily
Y: yes I do remember
I said and fed lily a spoonful of some baby food
G: how about we go to Hawaii next week
He said excitedly
Y: sounds fun how long though
G: a week or two just for our anniversary we can leave lily and Ethan home
He said and smirked at me
Y: nooo Grayson we can't leave lily I want to see her first experience in Hawaii think about how cute It will be when she walks and plays in the sand
G: ok fine we can bring her
Y: yay
I said and kissed his cheek
G: and Ethan
Y: good we need to find him a girlfriend
I whispered
E: no I don't
He said as he walked into the kitchen
Y: what we didn't say anything
E: funny
He said and rolled his eyes
Y: sooo how about Hawaii
E: sounds fun
G: good look like we're going to Hawaii
Y: enjoy babysitting Ethan
I smirked

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