Ch. 6 | Tornado Warning

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Summary: Derek tries to give Spencer advice, and Bunny and Spencer try to ride out the storm.

Content Warning: Allusions to sexual thoughts/desires, brief mention of Lolita and teacher crushes

A/N: I am once again asking that, if you like my content here, please go check out my recently reposted Mature Oneshots book! My previous one (with almost 200k views) was mass reported, so I had to start over. I've been editing all of the works that were on it before, so you might even see something new in your old favorites!

Thank you everyone, and I hope you enjoy!


It had been twenty four hours, and I could still feel her. I'd never stopped feeling her. Her lips had scalded me, scarring every inch of where she'd kissed me. Even my heart was poisoned by the taste of her, having changed its tune in a way that felt permanent.

The feeling alone would have been survivable. Manageable, even. But that was not the only way she infiltrated my innermost thoughts.

'Professor,' she'd pleaded with her voice crackling like a bush fire that swallowed honeysuckles that refused to burn quietly, 'Please.'

I wondered what she would have said, what she would have begged for if her words hadn't been interrupted by the gentle, broken sounds of her pleasure. I wondered how close she must have been to crumbling like dried petals between my fingers.

That look in her eyes, although barely visible, haunted me. Because there was nothing that even slightly resembled fear or regret. It was only lust, the same unimaginable, all-consuming desire that I felt, reflected back at me through her eyes.

I tasted the fine wine on a sweet, youthful tongue. A reminder that she was too naive to know her own limits. That she would unwittingly drown in the honey of herself. The cloying sweetness of her lips that couldn't close; too busy singing my praise, just as I'd dreamed that they would.

She was everything I dreamed she would be.

And I couldn't have her ever again.

"Reid! Earth to Spencer Reid!"

The call came with a soft thwack to the side of my head, and I realized just how far I'd fallen into the fantasy.

Derek was looking at me like I'd sprouted a second, and possibly third, head as he asked, "What the hell is going on in there?"

"What? I'm sorry," I mumbled nonsensically before adding on what should have been obvious, "Sorry, sorry. I'm just... distracted."

I thought that withholding any further explanation would be the safer bet, but I shouldn't have underestimated Derek Morgan's profiling skills. The time away from the BAU seemed to have only sharpened them, and with just a single glance at my nervous, fidgety figure, his shoulders dropped.

"Oh, no," he groaned, "Don't tell me..."

"Please, stop," I whined, because I knew what was coming. 

"You didn't. Tell me you didn't sleep with little miss Bunny."

"No," I quickly and gruffly corrected, "I didn't sleep with her."

But again, he was too sharp to let the nuance slide unnoticed. I'd already confirmed his concerns that she was the focus of my torment, although I doubt he really needed me to say it. The fact that I corrected him so narrowly only led him down an even worse collection of possibilities.

"Don't lie to me, kid," he warned. 

"I didn't sleep with her!" I repeated louder, as if it would absolve the pit in my stomach or stop my best friend from looking at me like that. With eyes full of both sympathy and frustration at just how stupid I could be.

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