Ch. 21 | Library Stacks

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Summary: Bunny meets two new people in Spencer's office just before they whisk him away.

Content Warning: Exhibitionism, fingering, penetrative/unprotected sex, public sex

A/N: Welcome back everyone! I missed you all so much. Also, I have bad news - I hate to do this so quickly after returning, but I am visiting with a friend next weekend so it's very possible I won't have time to write the next chapter. Follow me here or on Tumblr for updates!


Courtship and mating rituals have baffled scientists since scientists have existed. Creatures and their strange, bizarre methods of eliciting sexual attraction have long outlived humans, and often it feels as though we are the least practiced of the vertebrates.

But even in the most fleeting courtships, there is something romantic about the pursuit. Hummingbirds, for instance, will risk death to impress a potential mate. Standing at three inches tall, the little bird will lift itself to over fifty times its height before plummeting back down to the ground, hoping to catch itself at the very last moment before impact.

Or, worded differently, the male falls for her.

Spencer, however, was not so much like a hummingbird. Although he'd definitely tumbled for me a few times, there was nothing brief nor dramatic about his courting. If anything, I'd liken us more to a pair of phalaropes. The rare little relative of the sandpiper, whose female makes a point of flaunting herself to the male, rather than the other way around.

Thankfully, my boyfriend hadn't minded my gaudy displays of lust, nor had he ever once rejected them. Each and every time that we were close enough to touch, we did.

We spent the two weeks before school started again coming undone in each other's arms over and over until there was nowhere sacred left. Nothing that was untainted by a memory of his lips on my skin and my hands in his hair. We burned whispers and moans into the very fabric of our existence. The plaster on our walls and the creaky hardwood in every room. We treated the time apart from the rest as our own little universe. The consequences and troubles of the outside world were irrelevant.

Spencer told me that, in many ways, I'd made him feel young again. That old, worn-down craving for knowledge was reinvigorated by the challenge of learning how to love me right. Spencer had never been one to turn down a challenge. He'd accepted the challenge in front of the fire, lounging on the couch, resting on the kitchen counter, and even pressed against shower tiles.

Each time, I felt closer to him in a way I'd never thought possible. No matter how debaucherous the excuse we'd drummed up was, I found myself lost in the obvious realization that I had done the inconceivable and fallen head over heels in love with the first man who'd slept with me.

There were worse fates.

I wish I could say we'd worn each other out; that the novelty of sex had already faded and left us our usual, normal selves. But it hadn't.

I wanted him even more.

As I walked through the same halls that felt new now, I considered all the ways I could torture the poor old man. Memories that had been tainted before suddenly felt ancient in comparison to the new ones we'd made.

I found myself hoping that we could turn his desk into something wonderful. It would only take one beautiful thing to drown out the bad. Of course, my desires hadn't been entirely selfless. I would be lying if I pretended like I hadn't spent just as many hours on the other side of his office, fantasizing about how we could meet in the middle.

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