Ch. 17 | Dandelion Honey

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Summary: Spencer makes a very big decision for the couple's future. 

A/N: Hey everyone! Reminder that I will not be posting a new chapter next week - but I will be around! I hope you enjoy this week's extra long update in its place <3

Content Warning: Oral sex (female receiving), awkwardness, humiliation


There is a certain kind of innocence in early morning moments. Moments where we find ourselves caught in that web of déjà vu, that feeling that we're living through a memory yet to happen. The sun rises as it always had before. To us, nothing has changed. But as the star peeks over the horizon, its rays touch on a world that it has never seen before. A newness unlike the one before last.

That morning, when the sun breached the windows and tickled my cheeks, my first thought was that it was nothing compared to him. My mind conjured images of the eternal flames of the underworld tangled around me and holding me to a throne with just enough strength to pretend like they were the reason I stayed. A shield for me to hide behind when the gods and mortals above begged me to return to the fields of poppies and marigolds.

I moved but didn't struggle in their hold. If anything, I sought further friction. I basked in their warmth and pulled myself further into destruction. Far enough that I could feel its hot breath absently whisper my name against my neck. Fire turned to hands, slowly running over the exposed skin of my stomach until it brushed over my hips.

And it was at that moment that I realized a few things. Of them, the most notable was the fact that it was not only my abdomen that was exposed.

It was all of me. As in, everything.

I was naked.

I'd never expected that I was the kind of person to scream when everything went wrong, but I learned that fact very quickly. Shattering my own eardrums with the piercing sound, I clambered from the bed with frantic hands and tangled sheets.

When that noise ended — thanks to my near face plant onto the ground next to the bed — I turned back around to find Spencer staring at me with the same dopey, lovesick smile I'd witnessed the night before. Because for all my surprise, he apparently had none.

"Good morning, Bunny."

"Oh my god!" I shouted just as I caught his eyes falling with the comforter barely covering my chest. Then, after a deep breath that did nothing to calm me, I repeated louder, "Oh... my god!"

"Did you sleep well?" he asked, nonchalant as ever.

Ignoring the question, I instead finally asked the question that begged to be answered:

"Spencer, why am I naked?!"

To his credit, he tried not to laugh. It didn't work, but I saw the attempt in his tight-lipped smile and his lighthearted sigh as he recalled a memory that I'd obviously lost.

"Because at 3am you got very angry about how hot you were, and you tore off your clothes," he explained, gesturing to the small pile of fabric beside the bed. Then, to make the whole situation even more embarrassing, he lifted the sheet still on him as he smugly said, "I am still clothed. See?"

"Oh," was my simple, dumbstruck reply. Spencer just nodded before scooting closer to the middle of the bed. It took me a few seconds to notice that he'd been trying to get a better look at the disastrous sight of his significantly younger — and naked — girlfriend swaddled in a comforter on the floor.

"What did we... did we... do anything?" I asked, treading lightly as I tried to summon any hint of a memory from the 3am escapades he recounted.

"What do you remember?" he answered, slowly becoming more unsettled alongside me.

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